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Custom Crafting Recipes tutorial or guide.


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I was trying to find a guide or a tutorial for custom crafting recipes. Sadly, everything I could find was things like "how to use nifskope" or "more warez to use for fallout".

Am I missing something? Are they out there, and I am just missing them?

Bulk Utility Recipes is a good example of the sort of thing I would like to create. In particular, I had run out of gears, and was hoping to create a thousand at a time, with some overheads e.g. 1000 steel + 1 oil + 10 wood = box 1000 gears, because there are costs of manufacturing. Scrap that and you only get 1000 gears back.

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Crafting recipes are pretty simple once you stop over-thinking it. :teehee:


First there is the object:

(it can be armor weapons or a resource/item).


Then there is the constructable object:

The craftable object has criteria for crafting (i.e. component ingredients), and the number of items made with each.


If the object already exists, (i.e. gears), then your job is that much easier because you can just reference it without creating it.


So, to apply this:

All you need to do is create the recipe as a constructible object.

Tell it what workstation to use and what section/keyword it appears under, how many components are required to make however many.


You will find your recipe in the workbench under the section/keyword you designated.

It will require the components in the quantity you specify, to make the number of the item you specify.


Use any existing constructible object record as reference and it will become clear to you. :yes:


Its a matter of a minute or two in FO4edit, I'm unsure where anything is at in CK, ever, so I can't say about that. :unsure:

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So I have gotten this far in the Creation Kit, using a partial guide I found online, and I would say what is missing is what should go in the created object list. Glory was there as a placeholder - in the end it should say something like Box of Gears (1000).

I did try fo4edit but it just didn't seem to be working as desired.

I created this plugin and can now create Glory on demand. Yay.

"If the object already exists"

It doesn't. I need to create a new object. Gears exist as individual items. There is no "box of gears". A shipment of them exists, but that is different and seems to be connected to a script, presumably one that adds a number of items to a workbench.

If you take the box and scrap it, you should get 1000 gears. The box should look like a generic box if dropped in the real world. I don't have the skills to edit a model.

So I have the recipe, but I still don't know how to create the object. The guides all seem to be for skyrim, which is radically different.

The model below is the one that I would like to use.

Editor ID: Workshop_WoodCrate






Edited by AndreChau
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Those are distinctly different issues.


The gears still exist, you are just "putting them in a box by 1000s."



Not sure what kind of object that is... It's not a container.

It's like gears embedded in a... what? :unsure:


It's not a shipment, or is it?

What do you do with it once it's on the ground?

How do you get the gears out of the box? by scrapping it...

Yeah, that's what you said, ok. :blush:


Ok, just copy the gear as a new record co_ for craftable object, change its name to "box of gears" and scrap value to 1000 gears, then modify it to use the 002381BA (settlement) model/nif reference. That should be your object.

More or less, at least that should get you close to something useful. :wink:


Edit: just thinking you will probably need to change the dimension of the transform animation, which I think is the "object bounds" and anim.

Kinda shooting in the dark with a fair sense of direction over here... :cool:

Edited by Blinxys
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That should be the esp in question - I've done my best, but the object is still not behaving with gravity when the box is dropped into the game. Can you see what I am missing? It seems ok from the CK, as far as I can tell.

I also think the crafting recipe 3d model is way too large, not sure what to do to fix that up.

Edited by AndreChau
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Alright, just piecing this together as we go here...


In FO4edit am looking at:

Fallout4.esm (75D3D6CA) \ Moveable Static \ 0018B21C <WoodCrate01Dest>

as an example, it contains NavMesh Generation - Bounding Box (slightly smaller dimensions, but I think this is destructable).

So, I will guess this kind of record may need to be attached to your new object somehow as this is likely what appears in the world.

The other is just what it looks like in inventory, put into the world. :pinch:


It also appears the scrap recipe may differ from the crafting recipe using a keyword as follows:

[00] Fallout4.esm (75D3D6CA) \ Constructible Object \ 001B8820 <workshop_co_ScrapWoodCrates>

Contains: WorkshopRecipeFilterScrap "Scrap" [KYWD:00106D8F] :happy:


(These are just the clues, not the solution). :no:

Please post your findings.

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That should be the esp in question - I've done my best, but the object is still not behaving with gravity when the box is dropped into the game. Can you see what I am missing? It seems ok from the CK, as far as I can tell.


I also think the crafting recipe 3d model is way too large, not sure what to do to fix that up.

Wait. Want that exact crate to become throwable/havok'ed? As i know it can't be accomplished without editing the model (although would love to know, if there is a way)*. Should rather take another nif, as suggested above. Static object models are normally supposed to be created in Workshop mode.


* ps. Hm, maybe destruction stage change, there is a flag BecomesDynamic. Think, i didn't try it with native static nifs.

Edited by hereami
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Not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but, no, you aren't able to make this yellow crate be havok-able. This is the CollisionObject in the nif, which was never reverse-engineered.



You can see it in the CK by pressing F4 in a render window. Red collisions are static, blue collisions are havok-enabled.

The only way I can think of is to find a mesh with a blue collision of roughly he same shape and size, and transfer it into your version.

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