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Skyrim Skill Uncapper(fixed) updated for GOG AE Edition - help


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I've tried MO2 install and a direct install. The error isn't there now. Skills are still stuck at 100/101.





There is an update file. Hmmm, wasn't there before. Do I need this update? They are both are dated Oct14.




Every other dll works:

Achievements Mods Enabler SE-AE-245-1-2-1663727254.zip
All in one (Anniversary Edition)-32444-8-1664465359.zip
Fuz Ro D'oh (GOG Edition)-15109-2-3-1669146621.7z
Mod Organizer 2-6194-2-4-4-1640622655.exe

Skyrim Priority SE AE-50129-3-3-0-1663510477.zip
Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)-30379-2-2-3-1665515406.7z
Skyrim Special Edition GOG and Epic Games Support - Mod Organizer 2.4.x-6194-1-7-0-1665206954.zip
SrtCrashFix_AE v0.4.1-31146-0-4-1-1664055406.zip


The INI in the read me, isn't in the download and not created.



This is best untouched ini I could find.

Edited by scathtroy2147
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Are you downloading the 0.1,7 version of Skyrim Skill Uncapper Fixed?


You should have a SkyrimUncapper.ini and a SkyrimUncapperAE.dll in your Data\SKSE\plugins folder.


Although I have never used MO2 so I could be wrong about that. I have heard that MO2 can have a problem with dll files and that they should be installed manually.


Maybe someone who is familiar with MO2 will be able to give you a better answer. You could also try posting on the Steam SSE forum, they have some people on there who are really proficient with MO2. I am fairly sure the problem lies with the MO2 installation and not with the mod itself as I have used it with version 1.6.640 and 1.6.659 and had no problem with it.

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>Are you downloading the 0.1,7 version of Skyrim Skill Uncapper Fixed?

>You should have a SkyrimUncapper.ini and a SkyrimUncapperAE.dll in your Data\SKSE\plugins folder.

>Although I have never used MO2 so I could be wrong about that. I have heard that MO2 can have a problem with dll files and that they should be installed m



if you install with MO2, the ini goes into the virtual folder and can't be changed. It is reset to defaults every time you start MO2.

So, I installed it manually. I started skse without MO2 and the default ini was installed. I modified it and started MO2 then clicked skse.

200 on max skills

150 max spell damage

Same effect, skills are still locked at 100 max.


>Maybe someone who is familiar with MO2 will be able to give you a better answer. You could also try posting on the Steam SSE forum, they have some people on there who are really proficient with MO2. I am fairly sure the problem lies with the MO2 installation and not with the mod itself as I have used it with version 1.6.640 and 1.6.659 and had no problem with it.


I don't have steam installed and don't use it for security reasons. The AE version broke most mods and dll.


Edit: This post is ended. See other topic...

Edited by scathtroy2147
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