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Turn Water Into Ice?


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So a more lore-friendly and realistic version of walking on water would still let you do that but in a more immersive way: How about transforming water into ice? You can already turn NCP's and creatures into ice so why not water? That would be realistic cause you can use the dragon shout that lets you freeze stuff only it would have the added bonus of freezing water too. Perhaps an idea for how the mod could work is that wherever you walk on water, a solid piece of ice forms instantly under your feet keeping you from falling below the water. This works for a certain amount of time before you have to use the shout again.


Either that or there could be a new alteration spell to freeze water and it creates a frozen path in front of you in a straight line forever. However, the spell only lasts as long as your magicka does meaning the spell can get interrupted and you can fall in the water again. These are just some ideas but the basic concept is to be able to visually and 'physically' transform water into ice so that you can walk on it. This wouldn't be cheating at all because you can freeze NPC's and get Boots of Waterwalking (and potions/spells) in Skyrim so why not ice? Discuss and many thanks in advance! :)

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Hmm, so I checked out the overhaul mod and it wasn't really to my tastes since it didn't work properly. Also it is kind of hard to walk on ice spikes. What I ment was flat pieces of ice like in seas near Winterhold and Dawnstar. So if anyone is still interested in doing this I would greatly appreciate it!! :)

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Hmm, so I checked out the overhaul mod and it wasn't really to my tastes since it didn't work properly. Also it is kind of hard to walk on ice spikes. What I ment was flat pieces of ice like in seas near Winterhold and Dawnstar. So if anyone is still interested in doing this I would greatly appreciate it!! :smile:

ask the author if is possible to make flat ice sheets if you aim the spell on the water, maybe he can make it.

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Hmm, so I checked out the overhaul mod and it wasn't really to my tastes since it didn't work properly. Also it is kind of hard to walk on ice spikes. What I ment was flat pieces of ice like in seas near Winterhold and Dawnstar. So if anyone is still interested in doing this I would greatly appreciate it!! :smile:

ask the author if is possible to make flat ice sheets if you aim the spell on the water, maybe he can make it.


Great idea! I will send him a request! :)

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