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Jyggalag crash


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Yeah, I did a little research like that too. I looked it up on UESPwiki and I think it might be an ABOMB(Animation bomb) dunno if i'm right or not but my mods are ( in exact order as they appear on OBMM)


-DarkUI ( darker user interface / activated )

-Divine Swords ( activated )

-DMAC Armor ( Hashshashin armor / activated )

-DMC weapons ( devil may cry weapons / activated )

-Evantal's duel wielding ( not activated )

-Eyja ( Romancing quest / activated )

-Tyrael Armor ( activated )


Here's a screenshot of how my mod list goes if it makes it easier.



here's a link as well. http://i44.tinypic.com/2yxje4j.png

( No i'm not on a mac/ just made my PC look that way )

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  • 4 months later...
I'm also having the same problem, i just beat jyggalag and after his speech I crashed, tried it a few times more and it crashed every time. I noticed u also use DarkUld, so I'm wondering is maybe that has somthing to do with it. On mine whenever a quest update would pop up on my screen it is automatically closed, I wonder if that might be whats causing the crash.
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Haha! I was right (I think) I tried disabling the DarkUI mod and I didn't crash when old jiggy got done talking and disappeared. I know its a pain, but just disable the mod and then go back to your save file and then after he finishes talking save and then reactivate the mod. At least it worked for me anyway, hope it works for you as well, good luck!


I wonder if there's a way to have the mod not automatically close the quest updates, it would be really nice, not just for avoiding crashes but I would also like to know whats going on ya know.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for necroing a month old thread but I'm having the exact same problem and tried the solution mentioned here. After deactivating the specified mod, I was able to get to the current saves menu, but couldn't click on one to load it without it crashing. More specifically, it crashes before the "Would you like to load this save?" message pops up as if it can't show that without the Dark UI mod.


I can't really get past jyggalag's speech if I can't even load the save, any suggestions?


Here's a pic of the mods I'm using, they mainly consist of the POOP package:






so I activated, then deactivated it again, then ran an archive invalidation to see if that would do anything, now I'm able to get to the loading screen but it crashes before it finishes loading.


...so close....


2nd EDIT


ha, fixed the problem. I couldn't turn off the whole Dark UI mod, but I did turn off the part of it that gets rid of the quest updates. He said his speech, update pooped up, he left, and I'm still in the game, yay.

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