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Call for help of making a Fallout mod of New Yourk


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I have bean working on a concept of a mod to F3. Its a work in progress but need some help on getting it on to it.

I had tried by posting it up for some month ago http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...amp;hl=new+york


The concept is still pretty most the same as the last post but more improved(I hope :closedeyes: ).

I need help to make this a reality.

So i ask again.


I some persons who are willing to help me whit this.

I need some one to help to make the main world map and gather information around New York and how it look like in the 50s(Maps, Major building, history and so on).

That's the main part (because we need something to build on).


But also needed is people who can make pretty good models (Creatures, exterior, interior and so on).

And don't forget people who can help me whit the story, faction, quest.


If some one is interested just reply on this post.


PS. Here is the example World map http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=4096

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I recommend you to avoid posting asking for help for large mods like this unless you have a headstart already built.

We got waaaay too many grand "ideas" of several month projects per day, 99% of them from people with no knowledge whatsoever of modding, but that are eager to lead a team into the unknown (most likely, to disappear once things don't look like it'll be ready for yesterday). In short, too much noise, too little signal.


As you can imagine, modders have learned to ignore such topics unless it shows it's an actual work in progress with some future. Text and flavor and story doesn't count, you need something tangible, say, a block-worth of area/buildings, and identifiable with the area (and therefore, unique, and therefore, more time-consuming to make).

If you demonstrate that you're willing to work and build something, and adjust your mod idea to turn it into something gradual, split into easily digestible parts, then you *may* get your team. If you dont. you just need to work more and show twice as much content on the next request for team.

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