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Clone Backup


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So here is an idea I had.


Back at your home, there would be some kind of pod, like a tranquility lounger. Inside that pod would be..well..another instance of your character. Say you're unlucky enough to be dispatched by a sneaky deathclaw. You could just quickload like a wuss and kill the deathclaw like you would always do.


Or, you could just die, but at the same instant, your clone(which has it's pip-boy data and memories synchronized with "yours") wakes up from stasis; naked and pissed off. Of course, all your skills and progress would be saved. If you needed your items back, you could always just return to where you were killed, and retrieve the items from your own corpse.


It wouldn't be too out of place in the fallout world, considering the technological capabilities of Vault-Tec. If you wanted to explain it to yourself for realism, think of it as a tranquility lounger virtual reality life support pod which keeps the artificial body synchronized with all the experiences of the outside player.


Of course, there would have to be some kind of cost for this transfer though. Perhaps some sort of perk, and some piece of technology which would relay the player's experience back to the clone's mind. Maybe some items to grow the clone body with, and a time constraint of some kind. Say maybe, 3 days to grow a new body. Or, it could be explained in the form of an "android" perk, in where you ditch your humanity for the sake of immortality.

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Android body = Human Flesh + Sensor Module + Fission Battery + Scrap Metal


Human body = Sugar Bombs + Blood Packs :P



Im not good at scripting, but I think I have a general idea of what the script needs to do.


The death script would have to be modified:

*check to see if there is a body ready*

*check to see if the transfer module is in possession*(may or may not be necessary)

*create the corpse, then teleport player to the pod*(might be a better way to do this)

*play that bright lighting effect, like when you leave the vault for the first time*

*+1 to stat "Times Cheated Death"* :D


There might have to be some special parameter on the body to keep it from disappearing. You might need to go back to it in case you had quest items on your person.



As for the pod, I think the Enclave stasis pod would fit the bill. The scripting for this would probably be similar to the workbench. Except instead of adding the created weapon to your inventory, it gets to work growing the body.




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Yep, better done by spawning a dead clone, trading gear and teleporting the player. Abuse fade-to-black to hide the process.


Problem is, cannot be done... yet. Need fose to add a function to create a copy of your character. Existing functions are only able to copy face/gender/geometry, but not hair, haircolor, eyes, facial hair or skin color.

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In that case, maybe it doesn't need to be your exact features on the corpse. Just be a generic corpse. Skeleton maybe? Not sure if it would be difficult to make a skeleton which could wear your armor/clothing. The skeleton models are all statics, and Im not sure if they have bones. Even though they're made of bones. :P


Anyways, yeah. If not a skeleton, then maybe just a ghoul corpse in place of your body. As you're dying, a white flash, then you're teleported to the pod, and a corpse wearing/carrying all your stuff is created at the place where you fell. The script would have to take note of which armor you had equipped so it would know to equip it on the ghoul. It would be nice if a marker of some kind could be added at your body so you could find it easier.

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Oor.. you could wait for fose 2.0 and do it right.


Given it even has the features needed to do this when it comes out.




Nice Idea. But human flesh is pretty rare isnt it?


That could be changed. When you kill animals, it's not like they have a piece of themselves butchered and stashed inside their fanny pack inventory. It's presumed you rip the flesh off their bones. The same could be done with humans, seeing as they are essentially animals, and they have muscle tissue.

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