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Higher class home (Megaton)


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I was doing some upgrades to the Megaton home, and no matter how many things you buy for it... it still looks like a *piehole*. I went into GECK to try to edit it, but it keeps crashing, so I'm requesting here...


Basically, I just wanted to replace the damaged, dirty sink, fridge, tables, etc with "better" versions, like you see in Tranquility Lane etc (ie, looks new). I don't care about functionality, but I would like to upgrade my shack more. It looks crappy now, with a mix of nice Science items and a rusted sink... maybe replace the walls with something a bit more polished.


I don't want to actually replace all the models or add rooms - just change the textures/models, really.


For balance, I guess it could be made a purchasable upgrade.

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Well, I managed to replace most of the models - bed, fridge, sink, lockers, etc, but I'm somewhat stuck on retexturing the walls and other stuff, much less start editing hte lighting...
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Thanks, but that isn't quite what I'm looking for. I don't want a big house with lots of mods etc - I just want to upgrade the textures/models in the normal, small house without changing anything else...
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