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Newbie mistakes


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I only remember that I always fallowed the green marker on my map ...until I found out that I can play just fine without acting like a little robot.
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i remember that i got confused when i got a purple map marker on the mini map and just a red and green on the world map.

it took me sometime to figure out what was happening ;D

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My son told me there were only 16 Oblivion Gates, so I went around closing gates until I found out that they keep spawning until you finish the main quest! But now my character is unbeatable and has fame of like 150.
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My son: when i had just got to kvatch i didn't know how to cast a spell, so i randomly hit buttons and accidently cast some lightning touch on a guard... i immediately got mobbed by guards. I owned them >.<
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Much of the above, and not all of it noob. Like trying to help a guard

and whacking him - "hey! I'm on your side"


And why is Umbra so close to the road and so near IC anyway ? The shrine for the

quest is hidden (some), and her hideout is right there - so tempting....


And yes - the running away from creatures down hill and breaking my legs.

At least the wolves get hurt doing this too. I've killed a couple playing that game.


Stealing , "but ociffer I was only examining it... But, but the horse was at the town gate not in the stable."


Such a vast land. I think I'll leave my horse and go check out that cave. Later - Cave done. Now where is my

bloody horse, (I know the lay of the land well enough now not to need the "where is my horse" map marker.)


Only 16 main Oblivion gates. I don't like 'em much so I got the fewer Oblivion gates mod for

my new character. Using the No Random Gates Ever option. Yeah! I'm a wimp, but I'm old... ;D

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When I first started to play the game I specced assasin/thief/mage (Light armor, swords and that poo). When I got further into the cave on the tutoriall quests I saw this iron armor and thought "Yaaaay!" and equipded it all. I did the same thing with the big hammer.

Also I didn't know anything about encumbrance, or selling things, so in the cave I picked up everything. Bones, skulls and other poo like that. I even ate all the rat-meat I picked up. When I realized that it wasn't good for me I found this rat the goblins bbq:ed and thaught "Hey, it's cooked, and shouldent contain any bacteria." so I ate that too, even though it said the bad effect.

My brother started playing before me, and quested in Anvil, so when I got out of the prison I was thempted to go there as well, so I did. I was actually running there, without fast travel, I didn't know about Caps Lock (always running) so I held shift the whole way.

I tried to join the dark brotherhood to, cus I heard ppl talking bout it, so I tried to kill anyone, without quicksaving first, with my rusty knive or whatever I had. Becouse I didn't know anout resisting arrest and running away I was trown in jail.


***Minor Spoiler!***

When I finaly was visited by Lucien, I was sleeping in that Mythic Dawn cave where you got to take on of the Mythic Dawn Comentarys. The Mythic Dawn ppl killed him! Asholes! Well anyway I didn't even know who he was, so I just looted him and continued killing ppl, to join the brotherhood. It was first when I had joined the brotherhood on another character and a friend had told me the "Resurect" cheat, I returned to the cave and resurected him =D


I hope these noob-mistakes was enlightening and I hope future newbies will learn from them, peace out, Fnorkus.

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