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A never ending story


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…subjecting them to an unprecedented display of Origami Air-Biscuits. “Thou shalt feel my brrrp wrath!” He bellowed, (literally) and out popped a finely-crafted paper elephant, which thundered (literally) towards onlookers, spreading rancid terror in its wake. “Have some of farrrrp that, mortals!” Zephyrus boomed, (literally) and a god-awful-smelling, (literally) though exquisitely-fashioned paper butterfly fluttered by, evoking..............
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evoking....flaming bunnies over the town the butterfly flew over a toxic wast dump....being made of paper he cought fire and fell into the toxic goop then gene simons showed up [the guy from kiss for all you non rockers].....what gene simons and a toxic waste dump are doing here we dont know........
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then Bobo the homicidal Nazi clown from hell came into the picture, his outline breaking the light of the horizon. Onward he mrached, when an entire army of baloon animals breached the horizon as well and began to slaughter the flaming bunnies, while Bobo approached Gene, with his hands behind his back. Bobo suddenly pulled an axe from behind him and embedded it in Gene's head...
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.... or would have done, if it hadn't been for the lightning reflexes of ....Da-da-da-daaah.... Zaphod Beeblebrox and his marauding balloon-animal suicide squadron!!!! Leaping into action, numerous non-descript species of inflatable fauna threw themselves between Bobo's rather ungentlemanly attack and Mr. Simmons's head, while others made annoying squeaking noises of approval.


Several sausage dogs, giraffes and phallic symbolisms later, Zaphod rose victorious, flaunting his new first head for all to see - that of Gene Simmons himself!



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... in a distant world far from the events hereinbefore described, Captain Jane Greenaway is commanding the starship Counterpoise to pirouette gracefully around a satellite planet in the Betelgeuse group.


This planet was thought to be uninhabited until an inflatable bunneh drifted past the starship that could not have come from anywhere else.


Now why this was connected to Zaphod was because....

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After 10 more lines of text, a starship would beam him up. But it's not that far yet. We are still at the first line. Oh wait, now we are at the second. Anyway, Zaphod was so excited with his victory (he won't be excited in eight, no wait, seven more lines though....), he decided to...
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[Out of Character...s] Whabbli Whobbli Whebbli! Nice to see that the never ending story hasn't kicked the bucket yet. And for all of you who don't care the foggiest: The creators summervacation ends in exactly... two weeks... Beep! Two weeks - 1 second... Beep! Two weeks - 2 seconds Beep! Signing off... [Out of character...s is supposed to end after the next character ]
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the owner of the ship goes to beam him up, but instead hits the photoplasmetic cannon 9000 fire button, and blows Zephod into Oblivion... literally. Scamps come at him from all directions and he begins to pull his blaster when one hurls a fireball and melts his hand. He goes to draw with the other, when another hurls yet another fireball and melts that hand. The scamps leap upon his smoldering corpse and begin to feast on the burnt flesh. Blood smears across his visor until only static is seen from the command room. "Shoot, we lost him", says the Captain...
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and lisen for a... bunny. He was so happy with his victory he decided to go to the bathroom and celebrate this the old, fashion way... Having a good old poop and reading the 6 months old newspaper. While reading, the ship suddenly started to move and he dropped his reading glasses behind the toilet. He reached to take them, but the ship moved once again.


He then noticed he was beying beamed up...


[ m3lisk damn you lol posting 2 minuter earlier...]

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