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A never ending story


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Gabriel tries to pretend to be someone else but doesn't really look enough like Bjork to carry it off. Dark0ne sees though him immediately (thus getting an excellent view of Venice Beach).


Crazy Otto continues to thrust his laptop into the noses of those around. The Raven is still singing (about a freckled and frivolous cake that sailed on a pointless sea). The Condoleeza rice-pudding dog has found an enticing fire-plug and GWB and Arnie are dancing cheek to cheek. All is extremely right in their world.


Sadly the idyll is broken as with a scream of tires and a smell of scorched rubber this bird pulls up in a mercedes and yells:



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"Stop showwing off with that da... fu.. whatever laptop, you must pay through your nose for bandwidth like all suckers in africa Otto", trying to take the laptop from him and copy/pasting the ridicilous dog's name to it.

Arnie gives her a friendly grope and...

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Arnie Schwartzenegger (governator of California) may be famous for his big banana but he's only small potatoes (big potatoes come from Idaho). The Condoleeza Rice Pudding dog instantly devours Arnie's banana. In a rage he turns at once on Bjork/Gabriel or Gjork for short and tries to persuade her/him to vote in favour of his reforms.


"If you don't agree to my proposals we shall miss the opportunity of deforming the economy of California yet again!"


And this is right - very very right - extremely, quite close to being called fascist right. Gjork knows s/he has to....

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middle of next week (Nebraska) or Hogwarts, whichever is the further.


Crazy Otto suddenly sees on MSN news that Uppsala has been invaded by left socks from the former USSR (Union of Short Sock Resurgancies) and that his school is in danger of being turned into a leisure centre.


Not realising the Gjork is Gabriel he starts running through the streets of LA looking for him to tell him the terrible news.


Meanwhile in the middle of next week Nebraska (or maybe Hogwarts)....

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The bird in the Merc comes to his defence denying that Prince Otto has anything to do with it.


"Otto is a Prince?"


GWB falls to his knees to ask the blessing of his dog.


He orders a state barbeque for the Prince in the grounds of the recently redecorated White House (now the Carmine Red and Pistachio or CRAP house).


Otto however, still running around Los Angeles has no idea of this. He...

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