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A never ending story


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Is looking everywhere for Gabriel.


But Otto figures out that he has to do this in some other way, looking everywhere takes a lot of time, and he had to tell the news about Uppsala as fast as possible.

So he starts looking where he think Gabriel might be, in trashcans, brothels, gamestores, and under parkingmeters...


But he didn't find Gabriel in any of those places, so he went to...

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the dentist.


"Aha" said the dentist with a Swedish accent "are you looking for Gabriel?"


Otto cannot reply because he has various pieces of dental equipment stuffed into his mouth.


"Well I do not know this Gabriel but he is certainly no angel. Fortunately I can teleport you straight back to your school in Uppsala. Just let me take a set of impressions."


But something goes wrong. Otto finds himself back at school in Uppsala but with the dental moulds set hard and still in his mouth so he cannot speak.


He cannot see anything that looks like an invasion taking place so he...

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Bjork, also looking for Gabriel because she intends to kill him for pretending to be her.


Meanwhile back in the Middle of Next Week (Nebraska) or possibly Hogwarts Gabriel has given up pretending to be Bjork and now claims to be David Eddings.


GWB is a great fan of fantasy (reality is too complex for his brain) and so falls at Gabriel's feet.


But Gabriel is worried about Otto who only got involved in this mess because of him. He must do something. He immediately...

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his microwave.


But how can Gabriel aka Beldin help the vocally challenged Otto when one is in the Middle of Next Week (Nebraska) or possibly Hogwarts and the other in Whoopsala Sweden?


He decides to seek help from....

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were hanging from the chandelier - because it is cool to hand from a chandelier.


Children, listen to me. If you have not swung on a chandelier you have never lived.


The bigger the chandelier the better because it makes a jolly tinkly sound as all the bits of glass knock together and a satisfactory smash when it hits the ground.


But - back to the suspended socks. They were peacefully hanging out when somebody....

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