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A never ending story


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decides to have a little fun and begins to tickle Bjork.

Bjork, now extremly Dazed and confused since just a minute ago (or a week in the future) she was at the Hogwatz academy, or maybe Nebraska, can't control herself and burst out in laughter.

Now whether this laughter was due to hysteria or the tickling she was unsure;

but she was sure

that at the sea shore

she could see shelly

to buy sea shells

from the sea shore

<say that real fast 50 times............OK now keep reading>


So off she went to .......

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But Gabriel suddenly realised that he was singing to Otto and not the girl on the cover of his favourite porn mag as he had thought - being somewhat confused with all the location changes - and drops Otto and beats him up for listening.


Then he feels sorry and buys Otto a new Xbox 360 charging it to GWB.


Unfortunately GWB is bankrupt (at least of sensible ideas) and so Gabriel is arrested and taken back to the Middle of Next Week (Nebraska) or possibly Hogwarts.


Otto is very upset that his friend has bought him the very rare Xbox and then been arrested and feels he must save his friend. So he...

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decides that he will rescue his frien right after he sets up the XBOX....then plays a game..... cut to 2 weeks later.


OTTO has finaaly passed out from sheer exhaustion and dehydration. Turn out the XBOX 360 was Bill gates way s of sucking the life force out of people. He figured he had all the money he needed so what else did he want.


It was all part of his master plan to...

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eradicate computer games from the world!


But as rain falls into Otto's mouth and slowly revives him he kicks himself (and gets a nasty bruise) for forgetting Gabriel for so long. He has to save him and stop Bill Gates before computer games are wiped out internationally.


And it is happening already. World Of Warcraft has disappeared from every machine in the world, Morrowind keeps crashing and Oblivion will be delayed forever.


He must get to the Middle of Next Week (Nebraska) or possibly Hogwarts. He is helped in this by the sudden arrival of...


OOC> Happy Birthday Otto. You must be very clever to be in Gabriel's class when you are only just seven today! :laugh2:

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You Are My Gabby

My only Gabby.

You make me happy

When skies are grey.

You'll never know, dear,

How much I love you.

Please don't take my Gabriel away


The other nite, dear,

Someone was creeping

It was Bush and arnie, but we were sleeping.

When I awoke, dear,

I was s shaking

Cause it wad then I realized you was taken.


You Are My Gabby

My only Gabby.

You make me happy

When I'm in Oklahoma.

You'll never know, dear,

How much I love you.

Please just bring my Gabby homa


I'll always love you

And make you happy

If you will only stay the same

But if you leave me

To love another

I'll lock you up and throw the key away;


OOC> Ok... You are fantastic! What a song! But I have to say that this is getting a bit unfair now :P You other folks better give me your real names to, so that me and Otto can give back! ;) Love you all! ;)

And besides! Happy birthday Otto! I allways knew you where younger then you seemed to be!


Back to story> The unmentionable guy with a wizardhat and a staff... He waved his wand and...

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OOC> You introduced your name Gabriel!


Otto was transported to the Middle of Next Hog or possibly Weekwarts but owing to the wizard misreading the car license plates this is in North Dakota. Never mind, a quick trip east on I94 and then south on I29 is all it will take.


As he runs he gets younger and younger until he morphs into his previous incarnation, one Mister Fluorozine Tartlet of Dayton Ohio (flu for short).


Gabriel in the meantime....

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OOC> Ha ha :P Yes I know, I díd :rolleyes: And I really don't regret it ;)


Was very confused because of all this travelling trough time and place (or possibly next week or Hogwarts) so he decided he had to get a "total mind whipeout" so that he could forget all those crazy things that had happened... But his local phsycologist Mr. P. Hsyco couldn't help him, so where would he go? He decided to try his luck at the...

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Cause you can , you can rock it you can roll it

You can stop and you can stroll it at the hop

When your head starts a spinnin'

your mind can be rewritten at the hop

Do the altimers sensation that is sweepin' the nation at the hop


So off Gabriel goes to find the HOP which he thiks in in the vicinity of the HIP.


Meanwhile Otto, who is getting back up after tripping over I94, decides that there must be a less painful way of getting out of here. After some careful thinking the solution pops right into his head, which by the way is quite painfull. All he needs to do is.....

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