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...human hair. Unfortunately, all evil geniuses are bald so procuring a human hair could be quite difficult as evil geniuses also never leave their lairs under any circumstance (unless the good guy arrives, then they flee faster than you can say "Get back here you evil male without a father so that I might kill you, thus ending your rein of terror so that no one else will be hurt, at least until another evil guy shows up, then I'll have to kill him, too.").

Garth Wader had no idea what to do, but...

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...then he had a genius idea(he's not called genius for nothing), he would just use a pubic hair(gross). So after spending hours in his bathroom getting the courage to make the pluck, he finally succeeded in getting a strand of human hair. Now with the single strand of human hair which would give the genius the power to own every Fishy Stick in the galaxy, the evil genius decided to...
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Launch his beam of death into the sun, wiping out the entire solar system.


Earth only has the crappiest fishy sticks, he thought to himself. If I got my hands on those fishy sticks, I would consider it a loss!


So he sped off to get some fishy sticks from the Sea Otter Republic Nation, unknowing that the The Space Lobster and Crab United Army secretly planned to......

(OC LOLS that was so long ago....)

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...do the very same thing. And so the two forces faced one another nervously, neither side willing to take casualties (Garth didn't want his Shiny Thingy That Unmakes Life to get its expensive custom paint job ruined) and for the time being formed a...
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... cheese and forks. Taking shelter, the survivors thought they heard a hearty laugh between peals of thunder. It had to be the work of none other than...
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... on the television set that accompanied his fall from the heavens(It's Chuck Norris's TV: built to last through a war or two). Chuck found this interesting and sat down to watch, action being his thing and all. Meanwhile...
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