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A never ending story


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...refuel their spaceship. Fearing a possible return of Leonidas and his band of merry undead Spartans, Captain James kicked himself

for leaving his precious bag of salt aboard the "Crispy Chicken"(He also kicked himself for allowing a 6-year old child to name his ship).

Although salt does have its uses against the undead, James actually needed it to enhance...

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His atomic shrapnel cannon (guaranteed to disable 60% or more of an enemy's ship). But before the zombies could get him and his crew, they all climbed aboard their ship and blasted off towards Marineselus, a planet covered in salt water. When they arrived and had gathered enough salt to enhance the cannon, James gathered his men around and said "Boys, it's pretty sad that we didn't have enough money to buy ice cream. How shall we change this situation?"

Then Veronica (the only girl on the ship) raised her hand and said...........

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.....guns, explosives, booze, and their Space Viking brethren, who, as everyone knows, are more manly than pirates. So, James called up Leif Jerricson, his Viking buddy from pillaging school. As it turns out, the Vikings were locked in a heated battle against....
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Some Space Dragons, but Leif also said that he wouldn't mind if James helped him out a bit. So the Crispy Chicken blasted off to help the SS DEATHSHIP (Leif's ship).........
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...the back hair of a Mongolian jet-skier. This time, they blew up the ISS before launching off towards their destination.When they arrived they found that Leif was kind of exaggerating the 'heated battle' and they were fighting the space dragons with Magic cards. The pirates then...
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Laughed heartily and joined in the game. When they were done, Leif and James decided to treat their crew to a few days with the Rebel Sea Otter Army (RSOA) because the sea otters offered the best food and the best rumors of where to find treasure. So, they sailed (do you sail in space? On solar wind perhaps?) to the Planet of the Otters, also known as.......
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