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Better Boss Battles


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I was thinking of my current play through, that the fight with Alduin is to generic to regular dragon fight. they fly around and land when they get down to low health, and use the same shouts during the entire fight but what if the boss fights resemble old games where like you fight the boss and their health has like stages. Each stage are more stronger than the last. and the boss uses different powers for each stage.


Say the health of the boss when the fights starts is green then after that stage the health when depleted turns like yellow, the turns red after that stage, which then after that you win the fight.

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Since you mentioned Alduin, there is a Dragon Combat Overhaul mod by ApolloDown. I have not installed it, but since my 53rd level Spellsword can take down a single dragon with relative ease, maybe it's time to try it? For other enemies, I installed the “Enemy AI OverHaul---Revenge Of the Enemies---No Scripts Version” mod by MyEvergreenHometown. I can tell you that high level vampires, Drauger Death Lords, and even bandits can be more of a challenge to high level players when that mod is active!

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