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Mod Creators are Wonderful,Imaginative,Creative People


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and there is likely a Financial reason for mods not getting automatically scanned and compared to other mods for Conflicts, bugs, or to the base game itself when the authors upload them... there wouldn't be so many comments pages if people weren't reading and discussing about bugs and conflicts.. it would take only a fraction of the coding that a sophisticated website uses to do the actual comparisons and scanning of ESP files..
sadly, your hobby/game is just a game for so many..
stick to mods whose authors have a history of making mods which are bug/conflict free!
avoid mods from authors who have a history of expressing contempt for people who's games their mod broke ~especially if they refuse to WARN people properly or worse yet refuse to pull their dangerous mods offline :smile:


Then one realizes there is no such thing as making a mod that is "conflict free".

Modding by it's very nature is a conflict. The mod itself is a conflict with the base game - and any other mod built off nothing but the base game (as most are).

Mod Users - they are Conflict Managers. Sadly, a lot don't have the skills needed to manage the conflicts they are creating with their load order.

There is a reason why UFO4P goes at the very top of the load order - it's meant to be overwritten. How much and what is the question - which depends on whether you are overwriting something as simple as a text edit, or reverting the very thing UFO4P is actually meant to address - a real bug.

Edited by fraquar
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These days after more than 20 years playing all kinds of games the only game I make time for is FO4 because of the mods and the console commands . The best I find are these that bring a new character in the game with good voice acting and where you change the appearance of.

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Then one realizes there is no such thing as making a mod that is "conflict free".

Modding by it's very nature is a conflict. The mod itself is a conflict with the base game - and any other mod built off nothing but the base game (as most are).

Mod Users - they are Conflict Managers. Sadly, a lot don't have the skills needed to manage the conflicts they are creating with their load order.

There is a reason why UFO4P goes at the very top of the load order - it's meant to be overwritten. How much and what is the question - which depends on whether you are overwriting something as simple as a text edit, or reverting the very thing UFO4P is actually meant to address - a real bug.


this is the truth and many mod users seem still not to realize this. no mod author forces anyone to use a mod, it is just an offer and the hopefully more or less controlled conflict with other game parts and mods and it is the "feature" of most mods.


the more complex a mod is the higher the risk of unwanted side effects for an - individual - setup is.

a "collection" just multiplies these kind of controlled and uncontrolled conflicts. in my opinion even the curator can never guarantee stability for any setup as a mod author for a single mod can not. multiplying the number of potential conflicts was and is just a silly idea for people who like to know what is going on with their individual game setup and stability.

so at least i can still not see a deeper sense to "accelerate" the amount of conflicts in a game. testing mods one by one for the personal setup is work enough i always thought.


collections do not and can not guarantee to be conflict free for any game setup on the planet regardless what anyone claims. so if people like to dream on the fairy tale of easy collection consuming they should - but they should also take their complete own responsibility for their game instabilities - including hw overclocking - into account and avoid complaining and ranting in mod forums over the top.


please take into account: game developers are paid for their work and as professionals they never released a bug free game because this is as we all know impossible. so please always adjust your expectations as a user regarding mod authors. they are working for fun and share the results with you for free! thanks


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