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LOD generator - SSELODGen - can't find ini data - GOG AE Edition


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I'm having the same problem I had with SSEEdit. I was able to fix using shortcut with a command line, including where to find data.


What's the shortcut command line? Hoping there is one.





Will I need to use the other?



Need help, somewhat tech knowledgeable.




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"C:\Users\jcoke\SSEEdit 4.0.4\SSEEditQAC.exe" -D:"C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Skyrim Anniversary Edition\Data" -I:"C:\Users\conra\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Skyrim.ini" -P:"C:\Modding\MO2\profiles\Default\plugins.txt"


ATM, I have the working command line on another system.


SSEEdit works, but reports the "plugins.txt not found".

TES5LODGEN will not start and reports the error.


I manual start of skse, search on the HD failed, both documents/mygames/ skyrim and gog skyrim folder. (I'll post again later he actual folder paths and working command line)


If I start with MO2, I enter the virtual folder. Manually searching still comes up nothing. SKSE or MO2 is not creating "plugins.txt".


I did find a CFG file in MO2's virtual folder.

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"C:\GOG Games\Skyrim Anniversary Edition\SSEEditQuickAutoClean.exe" -D:"C:\GOG Games\Skyrim Anniversary Edition\Data" -I:"C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Skyrim.ini" -P:"C:\Modding\MO2\profiles\Default\plugins.txt"


This starts, but gives the warning for 'plugins.txt'

"C:\GOG Games\Skyrim Anniversary Edition\TES5LODGen" -D:"C:\GOG Games\Skyrim Anniversary Edition\Data" -I:"C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition GOG\Skyrim.ini" -P:"C:\Modding\MO2\profiles\Default\plugins.txt"


This will not start and gives the error for 'plugins.txt'


SKSE is not creating 'plugins.txt'. ??


Edit: this is an skse problem. So, I need to close this topic. Thanks to all.

Edited by scathtroy2147
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