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This link right here is Sharing and Caring Companions.

he sed no sharing and caring


I was posting that in response to Stealthic Khaos, as he/she seemed to be asking what it was.

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Yes I know Sharing and Caring Companions is the best solution for my request. But it dosn't work perfect for me, aften 20 min. or so my companions run away and never come back and they don't return to there home !?


It may be a nasty mod conflict problem. Does it happen with any npc you've tried it with?. say, attempt it with a simple npc not related to quests and weird scripts and whatnot, if the same happens, try upgrading to latest sharing and caring and placing it lower on the load order.


If it does not happen, it may be something with that specific npc's scripts and ai, and you're better off bringing the subject to the s&cc threads than to request a new mod.

Or.. you could make it yourself.



PD: dont be so overzealous with the retry button next time.

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