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Bloodrayne in fallout 3? why not?


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Hai there guys and girls!!!


i have this idea...or request...calli td what you want to call it to... :confused:


i was playing bloodrayne 2 yesterdey when i had this idea: what would if BR2's sexy assassin woul appear in fallout 3?

Rayne, in her sexy clothes, perhaps the with blades, somewhere appear in the wasteland. perhaps in meresti(you know, where vance's "family" hides...)

and a plyable hair and face? IT WOULD BE FREAKIN AWSOME!!!!!!


just please...someone do it... :thanks:


if someone do it i'll provide him/her with anything i can. :biggrin:

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If you want the blades without trouble or loss of style, you need new animations, which is "Pretty damn hard" (read: Impossible) to do



ok....... then forget the blades... :whistling: . the armor an the hair model with the face.....


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