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.wav's aren't working with Playsound3D for some reason..


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So I am trying to make it so when you are walking down a hallway you enter a cubic activator and it plays a voice that tells you to turn around. But for some reason its just not cooperating with me. The .wavs work in dialogue with the NPC but it just won't play no matter what settings I fidget with.



My script is:


scn locrTurnAroundTrigScript
short doOnce
Begin OnTriggerEnter player
if doOnce == 0
Playsound3D NRVturnaround
set doOnce to 1
It shouldn't be anything with the script but I'm pretty sure its the actual audio files them self. I've changed from mono to stereo. I've changed the hz. I've changed tweaked with everything that I could think of but its still refusing to play. Anyone know what the deal is?
EDIT: I should also mention that I put another .wav in with the same settings and it would play it no problem. Its just these files that my voice actor sent me wont play.
Edited by Jynx104
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Check if they are the same format as other similar sounds in game.

try 16bit mono 11025hz


If the settings are the same, re-save the file from the same editing program you used to create the working ones. I use Audacity.

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When I try to set to 11025hz it just make it really slow. Using audacity. Its at 44100hz right now.


Edit: Found it now, fixed it. Its at 11025hz, 16bit mono and it still won't play in the geck.

Edited by Jynx104
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Mono or stereo?


Try 22050hz. As I said you need to see what other sound files being used in the same way are set for.



here is the script I use on an object to trigger a 22050 mono 16bit sound file.

Begin OnAdd
if (doOnce == 0)
Set fTimerStarted to 1
Set doOnce to 1
PlaySound blboom
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I've done both mono and stereo.


Just did 22050 and still nothing. I'm not exactly sure where other things would be like this either. I've went into the music files and changed everything to the same as the music in audacity but still won't play in the GECK.


I'm not using an object, I'm using a cubic activator that plays the audio when you walk into it.

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My usage is not identical to yours, so it likely that there will be some differences. Which is why I suggested you examine similar sounds. Playing the sound in geck (by going to the sound folder and clicking on the sound file name) is not likely to be dependent on the script or the playsound vs playsound3d. It only needs to be a valid sound file with valid flags and your sound card needs to be correctly configured to play the sounds (test with another sound).


Test some random sound. If it does not play, check your sound card settings. If it does play then it is your sound file no matter what. If you PM me your email I can send you my working (user created) sound file so you have something you know works to compare against.

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The only issues with frequency sample I had were concerning radios, but not with playsound. I don't know if the playsound3d has differences with playsound, but personally i'm playing on scripts different custom sounds with different frequencies (11-44 KHz, 32 bit), only thing I'm working in mono. Anyway, you should first hear the sound when you create the sound object, if it doesn't work it won't be played ingame.

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Really appreciate the help guys but its still not working :/... Something is wrong with my audio files and the GECK just does not want to play them with the cubic activator. Actual dialogue works perfectly fine with the files but for some reason it refuses to play them in this.

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