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Female armor that actually protects


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@ dezdimona

If you already know the category by heart then it's not "browsing". I can also read a 500 pages book in under 15 minutes if I already know it, but that's not going to give you any impression on how long it will take you to read that book, is it?

I'm not calling you a liar, I'm calling you a person who fails to understand the problem. Which is not meant as an affront at all, by the way. When I was young, it took me a long time to realize that not everyone in this world has the same partialities as I.


@ DesuChan

Same goes for you. I appreciate the effort, but that's it. If I link you to a music video of Deep Purple, which I consider among the best music ever made but you probably won't like, will I get any "genuine thanks" for that from you? I don't think so.

You say I have demanded help, but I don't see any of that. As my signature states, I'm by no means a native English speaker, so maybe my posts will give off an impression different from what I try to express with them. If that's the case I am sorry for that, but I am already trying to phrase as carefully as possible, which is probably more work for me than you would think it is. So please stop saying I'd want others to do the work for me; communicating with you is difficult enough for me even without those misunderstandings.

(What are P's and T's anyway? Never heard of that phrase before.)


@ Hateful_kat

Thanks for that link, this is a very good compilation of armor that I don't want.


@ phforNZ

Uhm... I just checked out "Hentai Compilation", and it's quite what the name says. "Ambassador of Darkness" is rated adult content...

No offense, but are some of you perhaps mocking me?


@ BossDweebe

Knightly Armor looks very interesting, thanks. Akiviri Kojima seems to be currently removed, and Tona - White Squall is too fantasy-style, if you know what I mean. But Knightly Armor really looks like... well, armor.

Do you have a link for the thread where you discussed armors a week or so ago? I can't find it.




BTW, this is a list of clothing and armor mods I'm currently using:



Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm

Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm






Shields Of Antiquity.esp


Ethereal - Armor Imperial Legion Edition AR.esp


Extra Robe Pack.esp





Armory of the Silver Dragon.esp

Underdark Unique Robes.esp





And one last thing, which may have caused another misunderstanding: My concern is not about the "decency" of the armor, but its actual value as armor. So just because the body is covered doesn't meen it's what I'm looking for. A full body suit with wings attached isn't armor, a dress with shoulder plates isn't armor, ...

I'm sorry, but I can't explain it any better than that.

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As my signature states, I'm by no means a native English speaker, so maybe my posts will give off an impression different from what I try to express with them.


O.o It conveys a whole different meaning to me - seems like its loaded with sarcasm and such, as a joke... (you know, mocking those who tend towards the "omgwtfbbqzorz pwned nub" leet-speak language style)

And P's & T's = pleases and thank you's. I'm guessing its a phrase that only comes up here downunder.


but back to the armours. They were only suggestions - it's hard to judge what other people want exactly, so I gave you a broad range. Definitely look at the morrigan armour, if you are wanting your characters wrapped up in steel. And wtf @ ambassador armour being adult-only flagged? Haven't seen any nudity using that :blink: NPR's Knight armour (i think that's it's name at least) could be what you want too (maybe - it has exposed arms and legs)

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Maybe you mean a different ambassador armor... I found this and that, and both are something you might wear in your bedroom, but certainly not on a battlefield.

NPR's Knight Armour looks a bit skimpy, but maybe I can use parts of it, so thanks.


Ancient Silver Armor looks promising, thanks for the link.

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Well then, dear chump.

Armor that you might wear on a battlefield, no miniskirts, stockings, high heels:
















If none of these satisfy your tastes, then you must be the most pretentious Oblivion player ever and

I would recommend you model your own armors.


No thanks necessary.

Have fun!

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@ dezdimona

If you already know the category by heart then it's not "browsing". I can also read a 500 pages book in under 15 minutes if I already know it, but that's not going to give you any impression on how long it will take you to read that book, is it?

I'm not calling you a liar, I'm calling you a person who fails to understand the problem. Which is not meant as an affront at all, by the way. When I was young, it took me a long time to realize that not everyone in this world has the same partialities as I.

your right,I'm a successful business woman and fail to understand your problem.while you in fact fail to accknowledge that I may be right. And I never said I knew them by "heart" see what I mean about not understanding!. I'll leave now because the testosterone in this topic is way to high for this poor ignorant woman to comprehend your problem and the fact you gave up looking which would have caused all of this to never happen. Farewell.

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And for you, Andrei, my friend, this might be of help:



(blatantly stolen it from another topic here)


Well I'll definitely say thanks to you and whoever posted this link on the other thread. I see some armors there I didn't know I wanted!

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I'm a successful business woman and fail to understand your problem.while you in fact fail to accknowledge that I may be right.
As a succesful student of mathematics, I can come to the conclusion that thy vision of browsing 2500 mods in 1800 seconds is far from being related to reality. Or, in other words: If thou indeed manageth to look through 2500 mods in 1800 seconds, then this can hardly be called browsing, since this'd require thee to spend less than 0.75 seconds on each mod, which even an unsuccessful grade schooler would be able to figure out, methinks.

But alright then, Miss successful business woman; fare thee well, and may the Nine safely lead thy way around this thread of mine in the future. Or if they decide not to, I hope they at least have the grace to provide thee with the inspiration needed to write a post actually containing something to the likes of useful information and constructiveness, which thou failed to do on the last four pages, alas.




@ Hateful_kat

Some of these mods really look appealing to me, thanks a lot!

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