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Imersive, harder lockpicking - New concept?


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I've been searching for a mod for better lock picking but all I find are mods letting you make lock picks from arrows and ore, bash locks, lock pick by sound only or mods that revert the system back to the Morrowind style - these are all good but not what i'm looking for.


I'm all for the lock bashing as an alternative option but I like the mini-game idea that Bethesda came up with. What makes the mini-game easy is that the world freezes around you. 2 seconds of 100% chameleon is all you need to spend however long you want picking the lock. And it doesn't matter how often guards patrol the area, all you need is a millisecond when their back is turned.


Imagine the same minigame but without the rest of the world frozen around you. Imagine the tension as you frantically try to fix all the tumblers into place before someone walks along and catches you or your chameleon spell runs out. Imagine the frustration as you are about the fix the final tumbler in place and are forced to abandon it for fear of being caught.


This is what I've been searching for some time now - a mod that lets time flow normally during the lock picking mini-game with the consequence of being caught.


My modding skills are simple at best.


Can someone help by making this mod or pointing me in the right direction so I can mod it myself?


I'm new to these forums so hope I’m going about this in the right way.


I'll check back here as often as I can but I am otherwise available by email at [email protected].



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I'm afraid not. The game exists in several modes. Two of them are GameMode and MenuMode.

They quite explain themselves in their name.


Gamemode runs whenever you're not in a menu. A menu can be a lockpicking game, your inventory, a message, talking, performing alchemy, etc.

So Gamemode runs while you're playing the rest of the game. Like in morrowind, it always applied until you spoke to someone.

You would go into menumode then.


They cannot run at the same time....(not in a natural way I think...)

When you talk to a npc in morrowind, in oblivion its quite the same.


It has its logical reason that you wouldn't have to worry someone is beat up why you talk to them.

How could you ever pay a lower fine at the thieves guild when in the middle of the conversation a guard tells you to pay as well.

Next to conflicts, that would damage the game experience at many different.


While this is an other example, pretty much the same applies to the lockpicking. Its done in another 'world' as you may see.

So it will not conflict with the 'living' game whatsoever.


some adjustments could perhaps be done, that would add a possibility to be caught. But probably nothing more spectacular than the game already offers.


I can agree in you're point somehow, but am afraid that it cannot be realized.


Anyway, cause this is your first post:


Welcome to the forum

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