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Invisible collision objects woe


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So I've started encountering invisible collision objects. Mostly in Dragonsreach, the Blue Palace and notably the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun. While I've various overhauls for Dragonsreach and the Blue Palace, I don't have anything that really modifies the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun. A few mods touch it, yes, like Interesting NPC's, Immersive Wenches, Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul, Lux, etc. Nothing that really overhauls the place, though.


The 'barriers' are unidirectional (one can pass freely through them from one direction, but not from the other) and don't show up in mesh view or with bshowmarkers active. They can't be targeted in the console, affect npc's and the player and can be bypassed with by disabling collisions (i.e. using tcl).

I've tried disabling about all mods I've added since the last time I'm certain those things weren't in my game, to no avail. Might be some update, but even if I try to successively disable mods until they are gone, it gets ridiculous. In the end I was down to about 60 mods and after disabling SMIM of all things (and starting a new game after purging and redeploying) the barrier was finally gone. Sounds unlikely? It is and certainly enough after switching back to my regular profile, disabling SMIM, purging, deploying and starting a new game those invisible collision object were still there. So obviously not SMIM.


I'm at a total loss here, no idea how to find the source and those things drive me positively nuts. Even if they don't impede game play that much.


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Hello Cederien,

Not sure if what I'm about to say will help but here it is ...

In my mod, at the proper entrance to the final tomb, I enlarged some staves to act as large decoration on either side of the door.

At some point I put a stair to the left so that the player could solve a puzzle in order to remove a "magical" barrier. I then tried to go up the stair and was summarily pushed off as I went forward.

After trial and error I determined that there was some sort of invisible barrier. nothing could be seen in the creation kit so I kept deleting things that I thought might be causing it.


Finally I discovered that the staves I used, once deleted, removed the barrier. didn't make sense as they were vertical.


I ended up opening them up in a 3d art program and discovered that they had some sort of collision that was going "horizontal" to their vertical placement. It was as if the collision was just rotated. I ended up using another type of staff and that fixed the problem ...


Having said all that, I'm wondering if someone used an asset and didn't realize that one of the assets has an error in the collision OR if it has a very large collision box. I'm not a graphic designer so forgive any incorrect terminology.


Some items have their collision just beyond what one actually sees. I've noticed this with some cave columns as they can be enlarged only to have your character walk just above them as if on air.


for ha-ha's you might start deleting any added assets around the area. Try looking below the floor and above the ceiling.


Hope that yields some sort of results.

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Hello Sovrath,


thanks for your insights, that's an interesting detail. If I understood you correctly, it might even be a mod that's textures/meshes only with no esp?


My guess is that if you had any meshes replaced then it's possible that something wasn't done correctly or that there was an error. Or that they purposefully made the collision to extend a bit.


This is not the first time I encountered something like this as I had enlarged some vanilla skyrim assets only to find out that their collision extended beyond the viewable object and I wasn't able to pass an area or get over an area.


Like I said, I was at a loss until I discovered the enlarged staff issue. I never would have guessed and I literally deleted most of that section just to discover that those items were the culprit.

Edited by Sovrath
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