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"Coldstone" Expension <need your Mod idea>


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Hello citizen of cyrodiil, i'm expending the newest and coolest town of tamriel "Coldstone"

and i want to ask YOU, what you would like to see added to the town...


{i said in a previous tread that there would be a necromencer's guild hall...and never delivered it !,

well this is gonna be include in the future expension...(sorry for those who where expecting it in the first release)}


so as you can guess that will take a while to do as im planning to "double" the size of the town,

a bigger upper class part, a bigger lower class part...and a few new idea that i wont spoil at the momment... But the Real question is : What you player want to see added ?


So if you think you have a great idea of somthing that would make the difference, or simply somthing you think would be a great addon...Please Describe it here ! and who know's, maybe your mod idea would be include in the next release !

Thanks !


Future Plan :


- A bigger mine (or an other one to explore)

- A mayor's office (that will let you handle something)

- A library (whit a few suprise)

- A sauna (men and women can take a steam bath)

- A few more farm (related to the expension)

- A ruin (to explore)

- Necromencer's guil hall (as it was suposed to be include)



PS, i'm looking for a quest writter...

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If you don't already have Quests, I would recommend those. At least for me, it makes such a difference. I have been running through Verona Bloodlines and Bartholm Town, so I have not had a chance to download yours as yet, but one thing I love about those is the amazing, engaging Quests.


Perhaps also a Tavern or Theater with entertainment (if you do not have that already).

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