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Anno 1800

Mods not working after Game Update 16


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After the Game Update 16 from 8th December most of my mods aren't working anymore, either not loading or resulting in a crash (I guess a lot of people must have this issue for this recent update but I can't find much on it online).

Very frustrating, spent so much time building my town around buildings which now don't exist anymore :sad:


I'm still quite new to modding, is there any way of rolling back to the previous Anno version or any other solution? Are mods usually updated after Game Updates to stay usable?

Also is there any way of preventing automatic updates in future?

Edited by eddie107
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is there any way of rolling back to the previous Anno version or any other solution?


It's a Ubisoft game, we should be happy we are allowed to run mods at all without having to use software which trips of anti virus software, and yes I'm looking at you Anno 2070.....



Are mods usually updated after Game Updates to stay usable?

Yesn't, many are going to be updated at some point, some allready are, some will never be updated, as all mods are a labour of love some might get divorecd and will allways stay unplayable.



Also is there any way of preventing automatic updates in future?

If I recall correctly, no, you can however disconnect your internet connection or run Ubisoft launcher offline starting at the day of an annaunced updated, this should work at least for a while. Trust me Ubisoft is going to do their damnest to get you to sell your kidney for more DLC, and how are going to do that if you don't update your game????


What you can do is, check each mod one by one if it works, move the once which don't into a seperat folder and check back every once in a while and see if they have been updated, slowly readding them and when your loadorder has been restored you can continue your old save. Till then, why not start another game of Anno 1800 which can be bricked by the next update or start a new game of Skyrim Super Duper Special Edition, or maybe try some small indie game. ^^


But you'r definantly not alone, I'm here sitting next to you, with 1M inhabitants and plans on what I want to do next but that will have to wait. Currently installing Skyrim Mods xD.

I whish less updates would break mods but when they do they at least give you the option to play some other games! Maybe even something which isn't deveoloped by allways online UbisoftTM.


Kind regardes!

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Sadly not all games can be as mod friendly like Skyrim, Fallout and Minecraft, especialy Minecraft.


However I have checked all my mods and I have found 3 mods which actually have not yet been updated and crash the game, if you have them installed and might not need them you can cut them out and continue playing:


Dockland Speed whole Island
Spice it Up (Harborlife Module)


The Fallowing mods which crash my game have allready been updated, if you are not using them, you should try, they are amazing:


Industrialized low tier Production
Jakob's Mod Collection


Hope it helps! Have fun. :happy:


Spice it Up (Harborlife Module) has just been updated moments ago!

Edited by Nacromanceropai
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