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Pipboy texture mods not working


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I have tried several pipboy mods but they dont work.


They work, you can't get them to work, that's different. Saying it the way you did, while (sadly) being common amongst users calling for tech support and whatnot, is offensive to modders, and normally a quick indication that user error is likely to be the fault.


I have the folders where they should be


And that is where?. Have you used any other texture-replacing mods successfully?.


and I have archivevalidationinvalidated


You mean this? (or fallout 3 unofficial patch, it comes with it).




Game patch version?.

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I understand sorry for my n00bishness. I have used several different types of textures successfully. Textures I have that work are armor, weapons, and body mods. These all work with no issues. The pipboy textures are not loading, I still get the default pipboy. The link you posted is what I am using, and my copy of fallout has the latest update 1.5 I believe.
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/Data/textures/pipboy3000 is the file structure. The *.dds files are in the pipboy3000 folder. There is also a folder called "pc" that is in the "pipboy3000" folder. Also a "interface" folder that goes into the /data/textures
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Doubt it, unless any changes the pipboy's mesh (which i doubt).


The .dds files inside, any of them named, say, namefile (2).dds or something like that? (in other words, windows autorenaming the file so it wouldnt overwrite the previous one).


Other than that... texture size is set to large?.

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not sure what you mean about the texture size being too large...

here are the files in the pipboy3000 folder:














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Files seem ok.



I meant ingame, are the texture sizes set to small, medium or large? (use large). Have you tried other pipboy replacers?. Perhaps one that you installed screwed things for the others, delete everything inside the pipboy3000 folder and install the mod again and check.

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