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Uh, where did the land go?


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Um, yeah the ground I stand on. I realized it's a map of something. But I'm not sure what exactly did this. Or how to fix it exactly >.>

Any help or anything? It's kinda annoying, to be honest. >.>

Obviously my ground textures or meshes are now a map mesh. Would anyone know how to change this? Or should I tinker around with scenery mods to try and fix it?

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I had the same problem it was cause by a Depth Field Mod which changed files in my /data/shaders folder I lucked out and had a backup of the original shaders folder I'm not sure how you can fix this one without those backup files maybe someone here can expand on the fix for this.


Hehe yeah I was walking on little purple squares each was a world view map so I feel your pain. :wallbash:

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Um, yeah the ground I stand on. I realized it's a map of something. But I'm not sure what exactly did this. Or how to fix it exactly >.>

Any help or anything? It's kinda annoying, to be honest. >.>

Obviously my ground textures or meshes are now a map mesh. Would anyone know how to change this? Or should I tinker around with scenery mods to try and fix it?


Reinstall the shaders: Oblivion shaders



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