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Buildable giant windmills


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Hi, I'm looking for either a new mod to be made or a preexisting mod that adds this specific windmill as a generator.
It would preferably be snappable to wood floors, provides 20 power, and has a wire attachment point around the same place as the basegame one.

P.S. Yes I am aware of both the SWG and the Sky High windmill mod, but those are missing a lot of details present in the original model.

Edited by virgoproxyy
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Alrighty then. You mention SWG. What you didn't mention was whether you meant the


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Alrighty then. You mention SWG. What you didn't mention was whether you meant the


Meant the stackable one, and the other two you linked only deal with the vanilla windmill. I would try reddit but I haven't had the best record in the past when trying to get info there.

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What details does SWG miss exactly? To me, they are a perfect replica of vanilla windmills, from what I can gather. Multiple styles, airplane and junk, all snapping.


Just curious why they aren't good enough, I suppose lol.

Edited by H4RDC0R3V1B3Z
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What details does SWG miss exactly? To me, they are a perfect replica of vanilla windmills, from what I can gather. Multiple styles, airplane and junk, all snapping.


Just curious why they aren't good enough, I suppose lol.

The snapping points are the main issue for me, I can never get it to the same shape as the pic above. Also the sheet metal on the tower and there's at least one propeller version missing

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Ah, the snapping on the sides. I recall something about it being tricky to do and that's why SWG doesn't have that function. But my memory is spotty at best. It could well be possible now with people learning more ways to create mods.


The sheet metal is indeed missing, but you could use Workshop Rearranged to place some metal and/or wood wall panels (not actual walls, but various panels within the mod for "repairing" holes in structures).


It's not a perfect solution, but could perhaps give you something close to what you want while waiting.

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