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Honest heart Zebra ant missing texture


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All I want to know is how to fix this problem. I WILL NOT UNINSTALL FALLOUT NV!

why not? Deciding what you will and will not do to solve a problem is short sighted to put it kindly.

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If I uninstall Fallout then I lose ALL of my mods.

How's it working for you now?


Predetermining what you will or will not do is fine for moral conflicts but not the best approach to trouble shooting.


Your are only half right about your mods going away; uninstalling does not delete your MODS but uninstalling re-installing without first uninstalling your mods is a bad idea. You can export and import your load order, but it is better to export the list for reference only and re-apply the mods individually.


No one thus far said you had to uninstall your game. You most likely only have to uninstall a few mods. Your problem sounds like you have too many mods loaded or there is a conflict between them.

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I don't know where you got the idea that Zebra Ants are from Honest Hearts; they're from Tales from the Burning Sands as far as I know.


...it also wouldn't hurt to post your load order for anyone bothering to try and help you, so that we wouldn't be pulling guesses out of our cumulative rear ends.

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