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Vampire's Lair


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Just wondering if anyone knows what happened to Genocidal Overdose's Vampire's Lair mod. It was a very nice mod and I was just going to check if I had the latest version and it's gone. It's a very nice mod for a vampire character. Curious to know if anyone knows what's up?





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There have been several cases of modders accusing him of theft. It appears as though he had a habit of stealing others work and claiming it as his own. True or false? I don't know but I do know that a few modders are upset with him and are keeping an eye on "his" mods. The latest accusation of theft apparently coaxed him into removing all of the mods he posted.
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Thanks for the quick answer. Noticed his website and mods are gone. Don't know anything about theft but you definitely need to get permission and give credit for other peoples work.




indeed, it has a way of coming back to bite you in the .....ummmmm.....Butt! :biggrin:

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