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Disappearing eye behind glasses - any ideas?


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I am working on a mod that will have an extensive compilation of glasses, sunglasses, and I am running a lot into the 'invisible eyes' issue, as can be seen in the image on the left.
The eye meshes simply fail to render. I searched all over, but could not find the cause. I finally narrowed it down to proximity/curvature of the lenses. This glasses model has actually
already been pushed a fair distance from the face, and the effect is sort of borderline - at a different angle, the eyes render fine, as seen on the right.


Curvature seems to matter a lot, especially the outer edges of the lenses. Straight lenses (i.e. aviators) pose no problems.
These glasses sit a fair bit closer to the eyes, but the lenses are not as curved, and eyes render fine at any angle.


I wonder if maybe there is any sort of setting that I am missing that can eliminate this issue. Would really like to be able to fit those glasses properly...

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