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Looking for mod to show hidden NPC inventory4


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Hello folks, first time posting so bare with me if I violate any rules. I posted this in "Mod requests" originally but don't think that was the right place to post it.

Many playthroughs ago, I had _something_ in my load order that allowed me to see/equip/trade hidden items from NPCs and followers. Talk to them > trade > full inventory shown.

I just picked up FO4 again, and it appears that vanilla behavior is for certain things like clothes/armor/weapons to be hidden if equipped.... I am desperately trying to figure out what I had that gave me this functionality, because it was really useful and I don't like using the console if at all possible (Couch w/ wireless controller player here). I'm aware that some mod allows for a ring that basically hides all NPC clothing, but I swear this was something I had that literally allowed me to equip/unequip just like their inventory was the protagonist inventory. Kinda irked that this wasn't how it worked in the first place.

If anyone knows of any FO4 mod that does this, please give me a holler! More than happy to drop a venmo for some beers or something to the person who knows what I'm talking about.


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I appreciate you sharing that -- unfortuantely, I already knew about that option. While I can use the console if I must, I am a couch gamer w/ a gamepad -- so getting up and grabbing the KB and mouse every time I want to do this would be a major PITA.

I wanted to add I'm also aware of this mod -- https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21224 -- but again, I'm 99.99999% I had a mod that just made it work with the trade menu. No console, no equip-gun-shoot-npc-edit-inventory-close, just talk > trade > equip/unequip or even just see everything they had.

Thanks again, really hoping to get to the bottom of this. Already ran through my Nexus DLs and have been searching google for hours at this point lol, starting to think I was hallucinating.

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To see the equipped outfits in the "Trade" menu, the interface (I think the ContainerMenu) would need to be modified. Weapons and Armors are not hidden though, they're visible even if they're equipped.


Are you sure had a mod that made the equipped outfits to be visible in the "Trade" menu?

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> Weapons and Armors are not hidden though, they're visible even if they're equipped.

Really? I removed all my mods and experienced the same thing -- when I open "trade" with companion, their inventory is completely empty despite them a) wearing clothes and b) furnishing a weapon during combat

I've tested this with vanilla NPCs (Danse + Preston) but also with modded NPC (Nora from the Nora Spouse Companion) mod.

If I drop another article of clothing or another weapon into their inventory via drop and equip it to them, the "new" article goes "missing" and the old one will appear in inventory. Conversely, the NPC will change clothes/equip the new weapon too.

I'm so confused. Thank you for your help, let me know if what I'm saying sounds crazy and I'll throw some screenshots up because I swear this is what I'm seeing.

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  • 2 years later...

This beauty just popped onto Nexus. Looks like it'sbasically what you wanted, a way to access the hidden parts of a NPC''s inventory without any extra steps.


It should just make the usually invisible items visible.

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That's a nice necro, so I cannot resist. 😁 

Why using a mod when you can see the inventory with the said command "openactorcontainer 1"? So it's an option for the console players, I suppose.

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