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Mirai, a young custom voiced follower[WIP]


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dude can you teach me to put custom voices to a follower?


Sure, pal.

I used the tutorial by DECK16 to get started and just taught myself from there.



dude thanks ive been wanting to make my char into a follower to share it but i wanted it to be a special follower like voice acted and everything, thanks a lot for this tutorial

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Looks really good so far, excellent voice + responses. Will definitely be following this one.

As for suggestions: I would try to add things that make her feel like an individual who has her own personality and doesn't just revolve around what you do, ie things/places/people she likes/hates and will act on (not just comment)


Thanks! I would really love to flesh out her personality some and actually already had a little something in mind as a start but what do you mean by act on exactly? Like .. force a conversation to stop you from doing something?


The best example I can give is what this mod tried to accomplish: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19348//?


It never got finished but in terms of follower characterisation it was one of the best if not the best, you actually felt like your follower wasn't just a glorified pet.


So, in terms of other examples: If you do something your follower hates, their disposition with you would decrease and if it decreased far enough it would have consequences. The opposite would also apply, if you do things they like then perhaps they will reward you/be happier.


If you come across something/someone your follower hates they may do something about it (nasty words, outright attack etc) likewise if you come across something they like then the opposite.


Follower fears etc, many different routes you can take to try and give personality.

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Ahh, I see what you mean. It hurts my little brain thinking about how I could achieve things like that while thinking about how I could fit it into her character. I already have a few lines commenting about some of the creepy creatures of Skyrim but that's pretty much it -- just comments. I think it's easy to modify disposition as a result of a player action but what comes after might take a little extra thinking. I actually had never seen that mod before but I'm glad you pointed it out for me. I've been mostly using Vilja as a guide for my mod but having another source to learn always helps. I'll definitely consider it and see what I can do.

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Hrmm, another follower mod that seems to have more personality than most is Inigo and that is entirely through dialogue, might be worth looking into? Don't get me wrong Vilja is definitely one of the best all around companions on nexus and definitely a good mod to use as a base, however imho personality is not one of the strengths of Vilja - I'm sure others will disagree with that statement but still, looking around to see how others do it may be worthwhile.


Either way I look forward to see whatever you come up with ^^

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The voice actress is very, very good. The only criticism I can imagine some might make is that the voice and dialect sound modern, and some people might be looking for something more context-appropriate, at least the way they imagine someone should sound in a fantasy medieval setting. That is admittedly a weak argument, since the Skyrim voice actor accents and dialect are completely inconsistent. Other than that, i don't see how anyone can complain. Her voice is excellent, she is easy to understand, and she is neither too melodramatic, nor too reserved. Like someone mentioned above, I think you hit the jackpot with this voice actress.

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Hrmm, another follower mod that seems to have more personality than most is Inigo and that is entirely through dialogue, might be worth looking into? Don't get me wrong Vilja is definitely one of the best all around companions on nexus and definitely a good mod to use as a base, however imho personality is not one of the strengths of Vilja - I'm sure others will disagree with that statement but still, looking around to see how others do it may be worthwhile.


Either way I look forward to see whatever you come up with ^^


Ah, Inigo, of course. Funnily enough I downloaded that around when it first came out but never tried him. I hear nothing but good things but from the videos I've seen he really does have a noticeable personality. The more mods I can use as example the better, as I've found Vilja to be ultimately closest to what I'd like to make but I do hear a lot of mixed opinions.

Anyways, thank you! Knowing people have expectations really keeps me motivated.



The voice actress is very, very good. The only criticism I can imagine some might make is that the voice and dialect sound modern, and some people might be looking for something more context-appropriate, at least the way they imagine someone should sound in a fantasy medieval setting. That is admittedly a weak argument, since the Skyrim voice actor accents and dialect are completely inconsistent. Other than that, i don't see how anyone can complain. Her voice is excellent, she is easy to understand, and she is neither too melodramatic, nor too reserved. Like someone mentioned above, I think you hit the jackpot with this voice actress.


That's mostly my own fault as I gave some pretty strict guidelines in the script I wrote for her and the writing itself naturally comes off as very ... American. In my defense I had Serana in mind while writing the script and looking for an appropriate voice for her and I thought there were similarities in the final product between the two. But in the end while I try to keep it as close to lore friendly as possible, I know I can't please everybody and the way I have her questline planned out .. or how she comes close to breaking the fourth wall .. well let's just say I know not everyone will like her.

But thank you! I'll be sure to pass on the kind words. :smile:

Edited by kaleidx
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I'll never download this mod, but since you want feedback I would suggest you to remove the flowers from her hair and make it a separate hat-thing to put on her head. Unless you haven't already.

Also, I would remove the line "how can you think of leaving me here?!" Isn't that line too much for just asking her to wait somewhere?

Edited by Rymdapa
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I have a few suggestion.


Don't make the character a Mary Sue nor make her a cliche. Make sure her backstory is original, but not original for the sake of being original. I would rather have a "done a dozen times" backstory that's done well, instead of an original story that's made poorly.


Make sure the writing is realistic and fits the character. The writing and dialogue has the fit the TES universe and the background of the character. For example she wouldn't say "What the hell is going on?" Because "hell" is a figure of speech that has roots in Christianity, which doesn't exist in TES. Also try and avoid making her say to much modern slang. For example she shouldn't say "I just owned that Orc!" or any pop culture references.



Dialogue is very important to custom followers. The best way to rate if the dialogue is good is "would this character work well if she was part of the vanilla game?". If you say "yes" then congratulations you've made a success :thumbsup: .



I would recommend you check out Interesting NPCs followers. They are very well done.

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