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whats your fave race?


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I COULD say 'My own races' but that would be pointless (as one can only expect a person to like their own races because it's made to their tastes, correct?) but I adore the Ren's Mystic Elves. That was the one mod that REALLY pulled me into this game and inspired me to start modding.
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Hmmm, i'd have to say that my fav is the nords.

The only problem i like having a stealthy character...imagine a giant nord trying to sneak past castle guards to jump of a flight of stairs, kill the count....all while never even being detected.


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The beast races were much better in Morrowind.

May favourite custom race would have to be Slofs Xivilai. Vanilla race would be the Orcs.

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lol yea it was odd that there was a orc in the dbhood XD and on the subject of custom races i would have to say my favs atm are kawa khajiit and maybe lineage dark elf for some reason i am attracted to either dark skin or short girls XD
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