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whats your fave race?


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I'd have to say for vanilla Oblivion, the Argonians, they have tails and are most naturally resilient. As for mods, I like the Siren, because you get invincibility underwater! The Argonian mod is pretty cool though cause it changes the race for all characters (I have yet to see an Argonian since I downloaded it yet, but I'm pretty sure that's what it does)
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Well I finally got ahold of Predator. He's pretty much invincible which is badass (for some peoples), and his weapons are extremely powerful. Him w/ CM Xenomorphs, you can't be touched.
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I'm making a race based on argonians, they're dark skinned, thinner tailed, smaller, on fire (after Webslug does the effect script, I tried using the atronach flames ablitity but it didn't work properly), resistant to fire and have more dinosaur shaped heads. I reckon they're pretty cool. For vanilla, dunmer, followed by Redguards.
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that sounds awesome wasder kinda reminds me of the salamander in rappelz i believe thats on fire XP i cant wait till you make it :)

Thanks! I would already have released it but I was using the fire atronach ability for the flames, but it disappeared after fast travelling. Webslug (Slugword here I think) very kindly offered to create a script to replace it.

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