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Req. A few mod ideas :)


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Hi everyone. I'm still playing Skyrim on and off, and today I thought I'd pop my head in and see if any modders might be interested in one (or more) of the ideas I've been tossing around.


While playing Skyrim I always miss the Shivering Isles from Oblivion and would love to see a different "world" that we all could go to that's a little odd, has bright, beautiful colors, lots of talkative followers/NPCS, and a few new quests to make it interesting. Also, having a neat-looking really odd home would be fun as well.


I would also LOVE to have a mod that focuses on magic and necromancy---similar to the part in Oblivion where you can choose to be on the side of the Empire or choose to side with Mannimarco. (I don't remember if that was a mod or an actual part of the game, but I enjoyed it and would really like to see something like that in Skyrim)


I know for sure I've posted about this one but I can't resist doing it again. (lol) I've found a lot of mods with great-looking guys to be your husband, but even when you marry them, the same lame dialogue options come up. I'd really like to see mod created that really focuses a lot on dialogue---especially dating and marriage options. It would be fun to have flirtatious dialogue, saying "I love you", things like that. Maybe even telling each other some of your history and backstory. This is something I would love to do myself even, but I have no clue about how to mod so I'm hoping that some romantic guy or girl will take me up on this one one of these days.


Thanks so much you guys for listening and for all of your ideas and creative modding. You make Skryim (not to mention Oblivion and Morrowind) much more fun for the rest of us. :smile:



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Well, about the Shivering Isles mod, i am working on something along those lines. I will be only using skyrim assets (unless a modeler could help) but i know who to re-texture. the main idea is a land split into two, insane and sane. the king ,some people say, is possessed by sheograth himself, i will finish it, but i don't know how long it will take maybe it will be ready mid 2014.

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