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Best Companion ?


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Ozisi, Vilja is probably the only companion that won't reveal your possition when you shot an arrow and enemies start searching for you. Besides, it's totally lorefriendly and breaks the absurd topic of the need to be a sad and depressing person for living in a harsh place (which aparently some people find out of place).

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Vilja is the best follower mod by far, just so many useful features that other mods lack. Here's a brief list........


She can be configured to speak as little or much you like.

She has great interactions with many other NPC's


She dosn't use the follower slot so you can have her and another follower.

Vilja can also have her own followers up to 10 I think.


Fighting with Vilja is fun as she can be set up to fight in your desired style. Ranged / Melee Attack / Aviod. etc.


Loads of role play features and a huge amount of optional quests. I don't think that I would be far out if I said the quests add 60+ hours of gameplay and lots more to come.

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Vilja is loaded with features but sounds really out of place in skyrim, so I wouldn't really recommend her if you are after immersion.


I would recommend Inigo however, an all around excellent follower providing you aren't after a waifu.

Not as out of place as that one guard voice with the Bristol-ish accent.

I also think Inigo is an excellent follower. Had him and Vilja as followers at the same time. No incompatibilities between them that I could see.

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As others have mentioned INIGO IS DA BEST. In my opinion, he's hands down the best companion on Nexus. I mean I like Vilja, but the voice acting isn't as high quality as our lovable skooma addict. And he has enough dialogue that, unlike other companion mods, he doesn't repeat himself too much, and nearly everything he says is adorable.

Thorald Grey Mane is a fun companion too, but he twists his ankle like every five seconds and he can make it hard to hear in-game dialogue his voice goes off so frequently.

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Thanks for the replies. I downloaded Vilga and I am blown away by this mod. Great voice, looks good as well and she can even lead and take me places!


I have done Fallout NV over many times with tons of mods and many followers and companions but none of them even comes close to Vilga.


Thanks, and I will also try some of the other companions recommended here soon.

Edited by pauldelray
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Viconia devir has excellent voice acting and story. She lacks in quests though. She integrates well with a regular playthrough however since you aren't trying to accomplish her goals and her content plays out over the course of a playthrough as opposed to the usual mentality to exhaust all dialog options immediately.


Anundiel is decent but I have found her to be annoying for repeating lines often. She has story but I don't find it compelling.


Cerwiden has been the best so far IMO. I can tell her what I want her to do. She has a good story and meaningful questlines.

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