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Specs Help?


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Ok, so i'm looking to buy a new computer soon, maybe in like..... a year.. but I want to build a computer with my friend, so that I can play Skryim smoothly with any mod installed, even the massive FPS dropping mods installed. I am horrible at technology and stuff so when I say "what specs should I buy?" it means "what should I buy to build the computer?". It would be great if someone could list everything I should buy..... cause to be honest, I really don't know what I'm doing, my friend has built a computer that runs everything fast but when I ask him, he is useless, all he says is "Don't buy a computer, building one is better, just get a better graphics card" I wanted to get Alienware, but people tell me that building one is better, because Alienware "sucks" they don't even give me a reason why. I'm sorry for talking so much, and Thank You in advance :D

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it all depends on how much money you got to put into it. Most important component for gaming is the video. Do research as to what video card you want and how much memory. I'm finding reviews don't take into consideration "this video card comes in 1 gig, 2 gig and 4 gig configuration".


Is the video card SLI or crossfireX. I read Skyrim is NOT capable of taking advantage of multiple video cards but that does not limit you from getting a killer card and doubling it now or at a later date for other games.


What motherboards can be used with that video card? You will see by selecting the video card first your options for the other components have shrunk.


Now that you have limited options for motherboards, What processor? Your options have shrunk even further, possibly to only one and your choices were made for you. now all you need is memory, hard drives and a case.


When selecting a case, ensure the power supply is the right type for your motherboard and has enough power and the right connectors for the video card, X 2 if your putting 2 video cards in.


If you go any other direction. I.E picking the best motherboard first or the fastest newest processor, when you get to your options of video cards that will work with what you selected, I think you will be disappointed.


When you determine what motherboard you want, go to places like tigerdirect.com and see if they have any cases (bare bone or what ever) with that motherboard as a bundle.


Do your research and read reviews from trusted sites (not social media like youtube, facebook etc) reviews from purchasers are helpful but really only to the point of finding out return policy and technical support, as far as actual performance and such, can they be trusted? What do they have to loose? PCmagazine and things like that, now they have something worth loosing, they may be paid to write a good review on X product but it is more reliable then the review written by Joe E who purchased it and thinks it's the cats meow.


Also don't be fooled by model numbers, I've found companies repackage and rename their products to look like it is newer but in fact they are just trying to make room in their warehouse, reviews will bring this info out. I.E. I found some video cards (I'm making numbers up here) with a model number of 901fx that has 4 gig of memory. OOO, sounds good? model number in the 900 area and they used FX so it's got to be good. Wrong, when you get to the reviews you find the memory speed was old school in 2004 and the processor is not much better. A 1 gig video card with faster memory will blow it away.


If you buy the baddest newest thing out there, before you can even get to the check out it will no longer be the baddest newest thing. So don't worry if you have to make a few compromises to accommodate the video card you selected.


Hope this helps

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Cool, this helped a lot! Thank You! Oh, and I know what you mean by "before you can even get to check out it will no longer be the baddest newest things" out of everything i've ever heard, i heard that the most. Thanks again, I'm gonna do some research now.

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