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I'm having a bit of a problem with the Nexus Mod Manger/Oblivion/Mods. Now, I've seen and read a lot about how NMM isn't the best that one could use (Wrye Bash and OBMM being the preferred), but I didn't know if this was directly related to NMM itself or a problem with Oblivion and I haven't had any problems from NMM before.


I've had no problem with mods being installed/working, but recently every time I try to use NMM to launch Oblivion it starts up normally yet closes back to the desktop. It's like some cruel strip tease in which it pretends to give you what you want (fading into the Bethesda logo), stops and leaves (going back to the desktop), and you're left siting there wondering, "What just happened?".


I've tried to launch the game from the Oblivion.exe and it starts up just fine; However, any and every mod I've installed doesn't show up/function (The body mod I have is the only thing that does). I've also tried un/installing everything, replacing with back up folders, searching for updates, order loading, etc.


I really don't understand why this is happening as it's worked fine before, but I'm wondering if I can somehow enable those mods without NMM, through the game files, and such (Oblivion.ini). Would I actually need Wyre Bash/OBMM?


I wouldn't mind playing the game without any mods but the talent of these mod creators just makes the game much more enjoyable. Plus, I miss running around in cool capes! D:

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You can certainly run the game modded without NMM ... in fact that's the recommended method. Wrye Bash (WB) and Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) are the two mod managers of choice for Oblivion (note that WB is much more than just a mod manager, more like a swiss army knife for Oblivion). It's also completely possible to mod the game by manually installing mods (my personal method of choice). The key is reading mod descriptions (for install instructions) and mod comments (for solutions to problems related to the mod as well as to get a general feel for the quality of the mod).


I have used OBMM to install some complicated mods in the past but mostly just manually install these days. The list of active mods shown by OBMM doesn't accurately reflect all my active mods but the vanilla Oblivion Launcher does. I run the game from a desktop shortcut that has been edited to start the game via the Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) launcher obse_loader.exe (OBSE is a requirement for many mods) and have left the Windows Start button shortcut pointing to OblivionLauncher.exe. When I want to activate or deactivate a mod I use the Start button shortcut to bring up the vanilla launcher, click Data Files and make my changes (just need to not use it to launch the game afterwards). I use the disk version of the game, so if you're on the Steam version there will be some slight differences.


Can't give you much advice on NMM and why it stopped working (never even laid eyes on it once). You could try asking in one of the NMM threads.

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NMM is much newer than most of the Oblivion mods. They were not created with any mod manager in mind and often were created before ANY mod manager was available - So, NMM may not be the optimum way to install some Oblivion mods. OBMM was the first mod manager and was made exclusively for Oblivion. However it does NOT download the mods for you - you must do that manually - just as you must download manually for Wrye Bash also. Most mods will work just fine with NMM though - and there is no law that you must use NMM to download and install every mod with it - It can work with mods that were manually downloaded and installed - and can even work with mods installed using OBMM and Wrye Bash - although it cannot uninstall them. (it can disable them in the game though) You will have to use the uninstall from whatever manager you used to install in the first place.


Your problem sounds like one or more of your mods may need OBSE or something else to work, and you are not loading OBSE first when launching the game - Look beside the Launch Oblivion for a small arrow and click on that - NMM will drop down a small menu that allows you to select Launch OBSE instead of just Oblivion. Starting OBSE automatically starts Oblivion when it loads.

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Heh. Well, I've once tried to download OBSE, but after a few frustrating hours of errors and whatnot I decided to myself that it's okay if I don't have OBSE-required mods.

As for launching Oblivion, I must of pissed off my computer or something because now it won't launch from any Oblivion launcher (NMM, .exe, shortcut, etc.) I found out that I had two TES:IV folders in two different spots, C:/ and /User, so I tried different combinations of conversions and the like. That must be where I messed everything up to oblivion (zing).

And though it doesn't make me proud, my only availability to the game is through a downloaded (illegal/cracked) version. I've also thought that this could be a reason stuff isn't working.

I'm taking a whole another approach now and I've decided to wipe my computer clean of everything oblivion/Bethesda related so as to start fresh, but I'll keep my save files (God forbid if I have to start all over again). I'll keep a list of the mods I have so I can learn to download them manually next time.

Thanks for the help gentlemen, you replied a lot quicker than most forums would. *salute*







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  • 4 years later...

I just made a batch file to the steam shortcut. Then i told NMM to use a custom launch option and pointed it to the batch file.


here is the text i had in the batch file


start "" "steam://rungameid/22330"


1. First make a shortcut through steam on the desktop for the game by right clicking on it in steam and going create desktop shortcut.

2. Then go to properties for it and copy the text for the shortcut.

3. Create a text document on the desktop and name it something like oblivion.steam.bat making sure the last 4 digits are a .bat

4. Next open it by right clicking on it and going edit or open with notepad or open with wordpad.

5. type


start "" "(the shortcut)"


where the shortcut is the shortcut you copied out of the desktop shortcut you made from steam for the game.

6. Next you go into NMM to point it towards the shortcut. Go into settings then the oblivion tab. Look for the custom launch text box. In it type a path to the batch file you just made with the batch files name at the end.


Mine looks like this "E:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Oblivion for Steam.bat" but yours might look different.


As for obse its a shame i have to use the dll version but at least it works. I wish steam could come up with a better way of running things.

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