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Inventory menu animation replacer


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How can I replace the default animation that is played when displaying the inventory (the fighting stance)?

It pisses me to no end to see my character move like a boxer when he has no weapon equipped.

I'd like to change it to the default idle animation or maybe some Umpa custom one.

Is this possible?

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You just need to download an animation replacer. The inventory menu shows the idle animation for the selected weapon type.
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Thanks, I downloaded a hand to hand animation replacer and changed the default stance.

It's better than the default one, but still bothers me.




yes, but is there a way to get rid of that entirely? just have a standing idle, or maybe a pose?


at least i think that's what the OP is saying. I know that's what I'd like


Yes, you're correct, that's what I would prefer. No animation at all when the inventory is open.

My character should be still like a mannequin.

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Yeah, an update about this. I fixed my problem.

I copied the idle.kf animation from _1stperson to /meshes/characters/_male folder and renamed it handtohandidle.kf. Now when I ready hand to hand, there's no change in the character stance.


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can you make a mod of that?


that would be perfect! i join Eshenaleros in this "request" :)


p.s.: it dosen't happen often that the OP solves it's own probelm and helps others too :D

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can you make a mod of that?


that would be perfect! i join Eshenaleros in this "request" :)


p.s.: it dosen't happen often that the OP solves it's own probelm and helps others too :D



Alright, well here it is:



I take no responsibility if this blows your computer up, makes your mother cry, or nukes Russia.

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