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Quest mods


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I'm looking for an Oblivion mod here...


I know I only posted a topic last night but it got answered so onto the next one and this time I'm looking for quests. In Skyrim you got to play a bounty hunter through asking for work from innkeepers who would give you a bounty letter to kill some nameless bandits and earn some gold.


Is there a quest mod for Oblivion that does something like this. I'd like the quests to respawn, as in never stop coming, so I can role a bounty hunter and give my character some direction beyond looking for random dungeons to go into as I've done the story before and the factions don't offer much after their endgame. I don't mind how they are given or where they take me so long as I can have some direction without joining a faction or getting too famous, I swear those guards are like fanboys half the time *rolls eyes*


It sounds simple to me but I'm no modder, if it can't be done then someone let me know so I stop looking xD I'm only around 3-4 days into the modding scene so I need all the help I can get.


Thank you in advance for any replies

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Not sure if Going Rogue would be of any interest to you.



Here you go


theres some repeatable quests/bounties there.


Ah thank you got the replies, I'll check these out when I get back from college and let you know what I think.


*EDIT* I Read up about Going Rogue and although the idea is good it has some bugs that can impede other quests so I'll pass but thanks.

Edited by Highlord90
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