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Infinite loading on latest game version, even without mods


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Hello guys!
I downloaded RDR 2 from Epic games months ago (October) and I immediately started playing it with mods without any issue since the first day I had the game.
After that, I quitted playing it for a while and, in these last days, I decided to resume playing it and here I became face several issues, in particular the infinite loading screen one (story mode of course).

I tried pretty much any fix found online, but nothing seems to work. After reading various forums and discord servers, seemed that the issue was my scripthook / asi loader, so I deleted 'em (just for a try) and the problem seemed solved, but next here we go again with infinite loading. I also tried removing all my mods, but the problem was there yet, without any sense.
Yesterday, I was able to launch the game correctly, even with all my mods installed and everything seemed fine, I played it for a couple of hours without any issue and then, when I closed the game and tried to re-launch it, I got again an infinite loading screen. No changes were made between the two launches of the game. This makes no sense.


I'm asking pretty much everywhere on how to solve this problem, but since the behavior of the game seems to not follow any logic, it's really difficult to find a fix.
This is not the first game I mod, and I have never had so many issues to find what is the problem.
Last night I also figured out that a new scripthook version (Alexander Blade's one) came out, so I immediately downloaded it and installed it: at first launch the game loaded correctly (mods included), but, after closing it to try again if everything was ok, I got the same issue.

Can someone help me? Where am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your attention! From links below you can see my RDR 2 folder, lml folder and lml mod manager screen.


Edited by LAVRENZO249
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Little update:


Eariler I tried cleaning completely my graphics drivers with DDU in order to make a clean installation of the latest ones available (I got an RTX 3080 Ti) and, after that, RDR 2 loaded just fine and worked perfectly.
Then, I had to close the game and now I tried to re-open it to play a little more and it stucks again in an infinite loading screen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure if this is going to solve your problem, but many of my (infinite) loading problems have been solved by pressing 'alt+enter' while loading to leave fullscreen, and then pressing 'alt+enter' again to restore fullscreen. In my case the game started loading again. Don't know why, but it worked for me.

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