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Sacrosanct VL spells ( Gutwrench & Maelstrom ) Request


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Hello all ,


For anyone willing to work on a Sacrosanct sub mod , i' m leaving this here.

Gutwrench focuses on assisting Raze or Blood Storm , increasing AOE capabilities of the Vampire Lord . Weaker targets are more susceptible to it but as the game goes on it seems it practically falls off as a supportive spell .

Initially i thought that 50 dmg added to its explosion would do the trick , but a magical disease of sorts that spreads and scales with Destruction would be better . Primarily , i think of Gutwrench of the AoE dot spell to apply pressure on multiple opponents while maintaining its usefulness on late game .

Maelstrom on the other hand is more of a crowd control spell that intensifies Raze or Blood Storm effectiveness since its Vampire Lord's main source of damage .

What i propose is some small scale Blizzard like after effect to slow down and DOT enemies after the initial explosion . That way melee enemies could be handled easier since its a pain when they reach you . The damaging effect could be frost like with focus on stamina detrimental effect ( either way ranged characters wont mind much from Maelstrom ) .

What do you think ? Any comments would be welcome .

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