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[SSE] Mod request: Skin or overlay that looks like cracked porcelain


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Face and/or body skin or tattoo/makeup/overlay that looks like cracked porcelain. I've found a couple makeup/tattoo mods that almost have something like this, but I saw a screenshot of a character with this look on their face, starting at the inside of their eyes and branching out towards their cheeks. I can't find whatever pack it was from.


But something full body and face would be amazing, if anyone feels up to the challenge.


Or really, anything in this style. Like broken glass lines branching out, almost like veins but...straighter. Or veins. Veins would be cool too.


I've just installed GIMP and am overwhelmed lol. I'm going to try to make a very basic tattoo/overlay of some kind just to learn the process. If I have time.

Edited by Nap1985
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This would be awesome - would go very well with 'clockwork doll' style mods:

i would personally love a Ball-Jointed Doll skin / body mod - especially with actual 3d ball joints! There used to be a 'Ball-Jointed Doll Race' mod by TheDaedricDoll, but it's been deleted...this was the page for it: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32336.

Edited by Xeron222
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For editing textures in GIMP:

It's actually not too bad. I'm not an expert at all - but this is what I do:

1. Download the mod you want to edit the textures of manually (not through a mod organizer like Vortex).

2. Unzip the folder of the mod and rename the unzipped version whatever you want. I usually just put "Xer0s" in front of the folder name.

3. Go into the newly re-named folder and open up the texture image (.dds) you want to edit in GIMP. Edit it however you want - I usually just google what I'm looking for and paste it over the original image. Then I resize it to fit the 'image space' of the original image.

4. When done editing, click 'file' and 'export' (NOT save!). Don't change the name of the image. Then, replace the original image when asked.

5. Go back to where you renamed the folder earlier and right click on it...then 'zip' it again. Open up your mod organizer / Vortex and install the zipped file there (if you use Vortex, click the 'Mods' tab on the left and there should be an option on the orange bar to 'install file'. Install the zipped file and it should work like any other mod. :) Don't forget to deploy, though!

6. Close out of everything and go test out your new texture in Skyrim! :) It takes some experimenting...things don't always line up how I expect them to using this method...and I can't say for sure if this is the best way to do it tbh. This is just what I do.

IF anything messes up, the textures don't look right, or you want to go back to the original textures --- just disable your mod in Vortex and install the original zipped file instead. If you need to edit it, use your unzipped folder again to edit the textures - rename the unzipped folder again if you want to, and then rezip it and re-install it with Vortex again.

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