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Game crashing on load up.


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I just bought this game on the Steam sales(god knows I can't resist those) and I decided to nab a few mods off of the nexus. I noticed after installing the "Snow Elves" mod by DorkDiva, my game crashes even though it was just recently updated.


I decided to download the BOSS manager and take more of a look into it and I noticed it mentioned something about manually placing the plugins into the masterlist. I don't know how to fully utilize it since I just downloaded it but, could it be just the mod its self or do I actually need to find the plugins for this mod? Though another mod did come up saying the same but it didn't crash my game.



Any feedback is appreciated~

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The BOSS master list is a numbered list of all the mods that BOSS recognizes. It sounds like BOSS does not recognize that mod, and it is asking if you want to add it to the master list. The only downside to not adding it is that every time you run BOSS, it will end up at the bottom of your load order.


As for the game crashing, try moving Snow Elves up a bit in your load order. You will need to use either OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) or WryeBash to manually adjust your LO.

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If your crashing when the game attempts to load, then might be missing a master file.


This can happen when you have installed a mod that requires another mod to work (which you did not install), or one of your mod installs went wrong.


I would recommend using mod installer program like OBMM or Wrye Bash.


OBMM is not really manual. You should be able to install/ uninstall, and move around mods by using the program.


It would be helpful if you could post your BOSS load order as well. This helps people see potential mod conflicts or errors.

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A missing master was the first thing I thought of, but the Snow Elf mod does not list any dependencies. If this is truly the offending mod, then a missing master is unlikely. Caveat - the author has also not included much in the way of a description, and has blocked comments, so there really isn't really any support for this one.


Deactivate the Snow Elf.esp to make sure that it is really causing the problem.


OBMM is the easiest mod manager you could want to use. I install everything and manage load order via OBMM. But you will eventually need to use WryeBash for the BashedPatch alone. Wrye can do pretty much everything that OBMM can (and quite a bit more), so it seems redundant. But I really like the user-friendliness of OBMM for the things it is good for. The two compliment each other very well. Eventually you will find that you need a BashedPatch to keep things working smoothly. And that some mods are only available in OMOD format, requiring OBMM.


Do not add a mod to your masterlist until you are sure that it works where you are putting it.

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