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Scrapping custom items for junk


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I created 9 bandanas that I re-textured and now I am trying to get cloth from them when scrapped. I am pretty sure that I understand how the FormList relation to the Constructable Object works but this is something I have never tried before and I am struggling with it.

I have created a FormList specifically for my 9 bandanas.
I have created a co entry linked to the FormList that is set to return 2 cloth when a bandana is scrapped.

In game (no other mods enabled) only the pink, red, white and yellow bandanas create one cloth even though the co entry is set to 2 cloth and all the others do not create anything.

I have triple checked the items and the object templates and the settings and keywords for all 9 are exactly the same. The only difference between them are the material swap in the object template.

What am I missing? It doesnt make sense that 4 of them work and the other 5 do not. Technically none of them work as intended but at least 4 of them are creating something when scrapped.

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look for a similar scrapping recipe and use it as a template..

Also not sure if it matters but your prefix in front of the IDs maybe an issue ....(most of usually put tags like that last especially when its something like a recipe)....

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Looks like exactly the same attributes as base game FORMLIST modScrapRecipe_NullMelee_ClothMinor > COOBJECT mod_Null_Melee_ScrapRecipe_ClothMinor so no apparent reason for it not working.


UNLESS you keep loading the same dirty savegame after editing the formlist/recipe. Use a new savegame (exactly why Fast Start New game was created to test developments).

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Looks like exactly the same attributes as base game FORMLIST modScrapRecipe_NullMelee_ClothMinor > COOBJECT mod_Null_Melee_ScrapRecipe_ClothMinor so no apparent reason for it not working.


UNLESS you keep loading the same dirty savegame after editing the formlist/recipe. Use a new savegame (exactly why Fast Start New game was created to test developments).


Yes you are correct, I copied the formlist and the co you mentioned then modified the data. I started a new game with no mods and saved at the workbench. I then loaded my mod and tested... only 2 of the items created cloth when scrapping. I have 4 other clothing mods that I will try with the same process and see what happens.

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