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Fallout 3 "Sliding" characters


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Hey, Recently I downloaded a mod that required alot of performance, so I turned down my quality to medium (Usually runs on Ultra High with great FPS) And I saw that NPCs were sliding sometimes, I thought it was just the lowered setting. I didnt think much of it. Now I turned my settings back on ultra high and I have the same problem, but with almost all NPCs at any time. I tried turning ALL my mods off, did not help. I reloaded a save before anything happened, did not help. What happens is the characters slide on the ground instead of using the walking/running animation, they tilt foward but still straight when they sit down, and they hold guns in wierd ways often pointing in other directions but hitting me. Also peoples heads will occasionally start spinning around in inhuman ways. Please help, I dont want to have to reinstall Fallout and all my mods.
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One thing I want to add, I didnt delete the mods, just disabled the esp files on FOMM, also, one thing i noticed is when I start up a game (From the main menu, not loading from a previous game) the characters play as normal until I turn my screen away from them and then turn back, then the character animations go to hell.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Go to your options on the launcher, then go to advanced..., then to view distance, now make sure all the fades are at least 1 or more, then go to distance LOD and make sure that is at least 1 or more


hope this solves your problem :biggrin:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Go to your options on the launcher, then go to advanced..., then to view distance, now make sure all the fades are at least 1 or more, then go to distance LOD and make sure that is at least 1 or more


hope this solves your problem :biggrin:


Cheers Wolfban314. I had the same problem with sliding npcs, Spend ages uninstalling a lot of mods etc. Also thanks to Anthony who highlighted the problem on the forum. Saved me a lot of time.

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  • 5 years later...

Go to your options on the launcher, then go to advanced..., then to view distance, now make sure all the fades are at least 1 or more, then go to distance LOD and make sure that is at least 1 or more


hope this solves your problem http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif


My Gosh! I searched fpr hours in my loadorder. It is really THAT simple?!? How the heck does this even happen? Thanks anyway, saved my life, bro.

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