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GOP presidential contenders for 2016?


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My major problem with Obama is, I don't particularly care for the direction he is leading us. Of course, the republicans don't have much to offer by way of what I consider the 'right' direction either. Quite frankly, I hold out very little hope for our country. We are going down the tubes, regardless of who is in the White House.

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I'm not sure what Obama's done other than say the 'right' things to his party. Sorry, but the more he talks the more I question my sanity when I voted for him the first time.


As for Congress, I used to think like Color and blamed the GOP, until I looked up what Reid has done. He's more of a problem than any single republican right now, in my opinion.


Back to the point, we seem to be electing on how much of a rock star someone can be. How much hype can the press give their star. I don't see any clear nominee right now. If you look at Obama, at this time in Bush's second term, he had been a Senator for almost a year now and little talk of him even running for President. This is why I currently say no one currently in the 'race' will be elected.

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  On 12/2/2013 at 2:35 PM, colourwheel said:

Now that the off season 2013 elections are officially over we are coming up to the 2014 elections.... Seems like a never ending political cycle for campaigning in the world of politics these days. For anyone who pays any some what attention to the political atmosphere in America it seems now anyone who wishes to run for president has to start their campaigning at least 4 years either publicly or privately(secretly) before the actual day of the nations elections.


It's already projected the front runners for the democratic party will be most likely Hillary Clinton and/or Elizabeth Warren.... The real question that seems to face the nation is who will be the front runners for the GOP this next election cycle? Who do you want to be the next GOP candidate and why? For the past few national election cycles seems the GOP has had a long line of candidates for their nation primary and this coming nation cycle seems to be heading in the same direction with a long line from Rick Perry to "maybe" even Chris Christie....



Pretty hard for me to make a prediction at this point as the three that seem to be mentioned mostly (or that I seem to hear about anyway) are Chris Christie, Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio. These three seem to have the media's attention (which is important I admit), but do they have the voters attention? 2016 isn't a long way away to gain voter attention and recognition in a Presidential race.


I'd like to see Ted Cruz, Josue Larose and Michael Kinlaw run as that would be hugely entertaining and quite interesting. Had no idea who they are until I went to the link.

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