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I thought it would be stupendous if there was a mod that allowed you to preform V.A.T.S. while in the air? There could be various poses in third person as you execute your targets (think Matrix or Max Payne)! :D



Is this possible or way too complicated? :D










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Heyas Chances!

I think, what you are looking for is called Bullet Time. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9325

This mod allows you to use a hotkey to slow things down. Way down. Like taking Jet on steroids!

The only problem that I can see tho, is that it's used by hotkey. So if you took your finger off the key to enter in console commands to set a pose.... that would most likely blow the effect :(


There is also VAFS. Which is another way of slowing down time. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15875

Tho I'm actually pretty unfamiliar with it, so I really don't know how it works, so I don't know how well it would suit you for what you're looking for. :(

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StormWolf is right! Bullet Time is probably what you are looking for.


If you are out to do mechanime you may want Fall UI as well (controls timers/game time) when in menus.

The reason is the actual downside to Bullet Time is that it uses Action Points (AP) so you will have to be quick about it. :ninja:

It IS really cool, and highly recommended.

Note: you can do VATs in Bullet Time, but can tweak VATs time even further througha few game settings / aka: mods. However, (for obvious reasons) you cannot do Bullet Time In VATs. o_O


Then Again, thinking it over, you may just be able to use console,

~ set timescale to 0

Make a *.bat of it by putting that line in a *.txt file and set it to a hotkey with FO4 Hotkeys.

Of course, you will need to devise a similar mechanism to unset that.

Not sure if this will work as intended, but in science even failure can be a success- if you learned something new from it. :geek:


If you are interested and have any troubles just say so, can unpack what I just wrote quite a bit further if you need more details.


I'd guess the biggest trouble I foresee would be getting decent jump/fly/firefight animations packed in.

That is a whole line of study in itself though.


VATs does something weird to compensate for spacetime distortions. i.e. frozen pose floating, and cloth without proper bone weights get wiggy.

And it seems that physX "catch up" can be drastic with "lost" frames sometimes.

Just saw a gunner get catapulted a quarter mile last night. :rolleyes:

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StormWolf is right! Bullet Time is probably what you are looking for.


If you are out to do mechanime you may want Fall UI as well (controls timers/game time) when in menus.

The reason is the actual downside to Bullet Time is that it uses Action Points (AP) so you will have to be quick about it. :ninja:

It IS really cool, and highly recommended.

Note: you can do VATs in Bullet Time, but can tweak VATs time even further througha few game settings / aka: mods. However, (for obvious reasons) you cannot do Bullet Time In VATs. o_O


Then Again, thinking it over, you may just be able to use console,

~ set timescale to 0

Make a *.bat of it by putting that line in a *.txt file and set it to a hotkey with FO4 Hotkeys.

Of course, you will need to devise a similar mechanism to unset that.

Not sure if this will work as intended, but in science even failure can be a success- if you learned something new from it. :geek:


If you are interested and have any troubles just say so, can unpack what I just wrote quite a bit further if you need more details.


I'd guess the biggest trouble I foresee would be getting decent jump/fly/firefight animations packed in.

That is a whole line of study in itself though.


VATs does something weird to compensate for spacetime distortions. i.e. frozen pose floating, and cloth without proper bone weights get wiggy.

And it seems that physX "catch up" can be drastic with "lost" frames sometimes.

Just saw a gunner get catapulted a quarter mile last night. :rolleyes:

OOOO! Very interesting idea! I totally hadn't thought about that! :thumbsup:


I think... bullet time now has a settings menu or a holotape to make adjustments. Such as AP cost, amount of time distortion, all that jazz. Either that, or there's a MCM modification to add it.


Cheat Terminal https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13285 has a setting that lets you go in and adjust your jump height. Anything over 3x tho, and you WILL take fall damage. Just a warning there. :wink:

Cheat Terminal can also give you infinate AP. So if you need to, you can get away from the problem of the AP drain.



This is actually Why I recommended bullet time, instead of trying to accomplish this in VATS. Another issue with attempting to try something like this, during VATS, is VATS' cinematic mode. You would need to disable that, or when trying to force a pose on the character, will most likely induce a game crash.

I know, that mods that have tried to accomplish that... allow the player to move... during the cinematic have had that problem with inducing a crash, or canceling the cinematic.


This mod has accomplished that. As well as a lot of other things, like taking out the kill cam. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1064 And it's modular so you can only use the parts of it that you want to.

I play tested this quite a while back, and everything Does work.


Using the mod, Vats lost targets after 3. Meaning if I targeted 5 raiders, it would go ahead and shoot the first 3, then just go dumb, and exit the VATS sequence.


Watching it with all the plugins installed, was hella impressive. After I did my targeting... it was just BAM BAM BAM, ALL FALL DOWN. Cut the time that it would have taken down to about a second. Very impressive. But...

thats the opposite of what you're looking for, Chances. So yeah, only parts of it you'd want to incorporate.


This one would also be helpful. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22494

Removes the green tint from Vats. Not the target highlight, but all the other color visual effects. It's been part of my LO for QUITE some time. :thumbsup:

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There is a Scooter mod that slows down time when aiming. But, most likely, you need a fly camera mod.


The fly camera literally controls the speed of all animations in the game. You can gather groups for shootouts and shoot all the shootouts in slow motion. In addition, the fly camera can change fov and rotation axis.

Edited by South8028
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Uhm, I said Fall UI when I meant FallSouls Will make a huge difference in your findings. :blush:

Per StormWolf's recommendation I use both those mods, Vats Tweaks are entirely game settings, so those can be rolled into a single plugin once you get the effect(s) you are looking for ironed out.

(That was the: "via a few game settings" I was talking about).

@South8028 That looks like the best option for OP. If they are doing mechanime, for gameplay, it would be a personal preference thing.

Thank you so much for sharing that link. Looks like I got a new toy for Christmas after all! :woot:

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Uhm, I said Fall UI when I meant FallSouls Will make a huge difference in your findings. :blush:

Per StormWolf's recommendation I use both those mods, Vats Tweaks are entirely game settings, so those can be rolled into a single plugin once you get the effect(s) you are looking for ironed out.

(That was the: "via a few game settings" I was talking about).

@South8028 That looks like the best option for OP. If they are doing mechanime, for gameplay, it would be a personal preference thing.

Thank you so much for sharing that link. Looks like I got a new toy for Christmas after all! :woot:


I used the camera along with this thing. There are a lot of settings there. pageUp +fps, pageDown -fps. I did not see the function in the descriptions, I accidentally stumbled upon it. Probably, not just the speed of animations changes, but directly fps, because even physics slows down. This camera didnt work for me, because it cant be turned off in the slm player, so the camera interferes with customizing the character in the game. But, if you don't use the looks menu, then this camera is great.

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@South8028 Yeah, been looking at Screen Archer for a while, extremely tempting, don't like the CBBE skeleton and off-site requirement though. :sad:

Kinda committed to FG 1.45 for various reasons ATM. And currently am using looksmenu a lot so there's that too.

Would be nice if Screen Archer was a little more self-contained and open-ended at the same time.

Does look superb for those set up for it though.

Will probably do a mock build in a little while just to try it though.


I think 1001Chances will run into issues where there are no good jump/fly/firefight pose animations (a la Tomb Raider) that I know of currently.

Tooun's action animations are cool, but does not address the issue directly, and are unreliable in general gameplay.

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@South8028 Yeah, been looking at Screen Archer for a while, extremely tempting, don't like the CBBE skeleton and off-site requirement though. :sad:

Kinda committed to FG 1.45 for various reasons ATM. And currently am using looksmenu a lot so there's that too.

Would be nice if Screen Archer was a little more self-contained and open-ended at the same time.

Does look superb for those set up for it though.

Will probably do a mock build in a little while just to try it though.


I think 1001Chances will run into issues where there are no good jump/fly/firefight pose animations (a la Tomb Raider) that I know of currently.

Tooun's action animations are cool, but does not address the issue directly, and are unreliable in general gameplay.

I am using a clone of cbbe and fg. I sewed fg's ass to cbbe's torso (fg has the wrong shoulder mesh, the rib loops are parallel to the bones and the mesh is deformed with small shoulders). I corrected the uv according to the cbbe texture. The skeleton I use is prefabricated from different bones. There is a knee fix cbbe and cbp bones from zaz. Morphs from cbbe and fg and custom.



But I am waiting for a new body, which a person with ll should finish soon. Hope it fixes the shoulder issues. Because the fg and cbbe shoulders are terrible. Wrong mesh and wrong skinning done.

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Holy carp! That is known as a "chimera" my friend! But as a Sagittarian I do like centaurs fine! :cool:

Well, you are much further down that rabbit hole than I (may ever hope to be) to say the least. :ninja: Then again... :pirate:

Seems like you fixed a lot of my gripes, but differently. :thumbsup:


FG shoulders are definitely way too narrow/central aka: small.

"UV according to CBBE" Does that prevent the "crawling up the back" shader effect?

Did you merge the bones in OS or dis/reassemble them in nifscope?

So, is the included skeleton usable by screen archer?

What do you use for reference shape / conversion then?


I'm about to put together a new build by new year, and everything I thought was going in there is getting updated or swapped out instead. :ermm:


Are you saying there is a new body type to displace the current FG, CBBE in the works?


Not to jack the thread here, this all makes for a better visual environment, tying it back to screen archer, and jumping stop-motion fight or flight camera / in-game controls. :yes:

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