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MRE into the Wasteland.


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I have a simple request, one if i knew how to do it, I would but I dont, I would like for MRE from Lonesome Road to be added to the leveled list, for venders, and NCR troopers, Considering the long shelf life of an MRE, I always imagine they would be favored by NCR Troopers, do to their sheer convience over most other food supplies.

And So I ask, if anyone could do this? or At the very least instruct me how to do so,

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I'm going to use this opportunity to shamelessly plug one of my mods...


Desert Ration MRE adds a food item that uses the MRE artwork with similar stats called a "Desert Ration," which is crafted from various items already found in the Mojave. I didn't add it to leveled lists because that is incredibly time consuming, and because it raises possible conflicts with other mods that edit the same list. Contains optional support for Imps More Complex Needs and Craft Master/Pack, as well as a version that uses lunchbox artwork for people that don't have Lonesome Road.


Hope this is good enough!

Edited by Dudeman325
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I have looked, because I know there is one mod for it as well, but I cant find it, ive tried every keyword I can think of, and found nothing on it.Which is why Im here. If someone wants to point it out to me, that would be great.

And to Dudeman, I do have Desert Ration MRE already, Its a great mod, But Im also looking for one that adds them to the wasteland.

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